This number of states needed to approve of a law in order to pass it
Small states favored the
NJ Plan
What does the word compromise mean
To come to an agreement, a give and take
Anti-Federalists did not want a bill of rights, true or false
Culper Spy Ring
This number of delegates were sent to the convention
This plan called for a one house legislature with equal representation for all states
NJ Plan
Which part of the Great Compromise favored the smaller states
One house would be given equal representation
Federalists wanted a stronger central government, true or false
Name of the act that forced colonists to house British soldiers in their homes
Quartering Act
This rebellion showed the weaknesses of the Articles
Shay's Rebellion
The Convention took place during this decade in the 1700's
The Virginia Plan called for a two house legislature with one house based on population and the other based on equal representation for all states. True or false
Why did Southern states want slaves to be counted toward the population
To get more seats/representation in the government
A change/alteration to the Constitution
Year that the slave trade ban would take effect
Explain why the Articles of Confederation intentionally created a weak central government
People in the new nation feared repeating the same mistakes as Britain and creating a gov that modeled it, also each state wanted to keep its autonomy/power
The initial goal of the convention was to
fix/amend the articles of confederation
The goal of the Virginia plan was to
create a stronger central government
Explain what the Great Compromise was
Merged the New Jersey and Virginia plans, two house legislature one based on population and one with equal representation for each state
What is a bill of rights
Term used to describe jobs that women typically did in the house during colonial times
Women's work
Name three of the weaknesses of the Articles of Confederation
weak military, inability to respond to change, no common currency, weak central government, no ability to tax
What does the term ratify mean
Formally approve/put into action
List the parts/features of the Virginia Plan
two house legislature determined by population, three separate branches
Explain what the 3/5 compromise was and why it was created
Slaves would count as 3/5 of a free person, to determine representation in Congress
Name three things that the Anti-Federalists wanted/didn't want
Bill of rights, no president, more power to the states, legislative branch to have more power than the executive
Name of the war fought between colonists of the Plymouth Colony and Native Americans in the 1600's, deadliest colonial war (based on percentages)
King Philip's War
The Articles of Confederation were used during the American Revolution but ratified after, true or false
Exact year that the convention took place
Explain the slave trade ban
slavery would be banned in twenty years but slavery itself was not
Explain why the Federalists wanted a president
-would act as a figure of authority, stability, AOC was too weak without a central authority figure
Term used to describe the idea that some historical events must be understood within the context of their times/era. The idea that it is difficult for us as 21st century individuals to envision events/life from previous times
Historical Relativism