Mental Health Symptoms
Coping Skills I
Coping Skills II
Mental Health Professions/Statistics

A mental and physical reaction to percieved threat. In small doses, it can be helpful and healthy. In severe cases, it can be dehibilitating. 

What is anxiety? 


A skill that helps you take your mind off your problems

What is distraction? 


This coping skill increases your heart rate and is scientifically proven to relieve stress and decrease symptoms of depression.

What is exercise? 

People in this profession go to medical school and learn to evaluate and treat people's mental conditions, usually with medication. 

What are psychiatrists? 


This celebrity has endorsed and denied that he lives with bipolar disorder. He is well-known for his outspokenness and for interrupting another well-known musician during her VMA acceptance speech in the 2010s. 

Who is Kanye West? 


The cluster of symptoms including racing heart, sweating, feelings of doom, shaking, feeling lightheaded/dizzy, fear of going "crazy" or of losing control, and chills or hot flashes is known as what? 

What is a panic attack? 


The acronym for this group of distress tolerance skills is TIPP. What does this stand for? 

T - Temperature

I - Intense exercise

P - Paced Breathing

P - Progressive Muscle Relaxation


This is a quick way to calm your nervous system and regulate your physical body, and it involves no materials/space. 

What is deep breathing? 


A person with this job title holds a master's degree in clinical counseling or social work and is able to provide mental health services to individuals and families. 

Who is a therapist/mental health professional? 


This celebrity well known for their role on Titanic lives with OCD (obsessive-compulsive disorder) 

Who is Leonardo DiCaprio? 


An automatic response that protects you from danger. When you feel threatened, this response is triggered and there are physiological changes that occur in the body.

What is the fight/flight/freeze response? 


This skill involves being a present, nonjudgemental observer to one's thoughts and surroundings. 

What is mindfulness? 


A DBT skill that identifies unhelpful behavioral urges that go along with mood and works to do the opposite behavior of that urge to improve mood

What is opposite action to emotion? 


Fill in the blank: 1 in _ people in the United States experienced mental illness in 2021.

What is 5 (1 in 5)? 


This singer from the early 2000s opened up about her diagnosis of bipolar II in an interview with People magazine in 2018. 

Who is Mariah Carey? 


This symptom is characterized by a persistent period of elevated mood, decreased need for sleep, persistent goal-directed activity and an increase in risky behaviors. 

What is mania? 


A coping skill that grounds a person using the 5 senses. 

What is 5,4,3,2,1 

(5 things you can see, 4 things you can touch, 3 things you can hear, 2 things you can smell, 1 thing you can taste)


The skill of putting yourself in a safe/happy place in your mind.

What is visualization/imagery/happy place? 


_____ is the leading cause of disability worldwide. 

What is depression? 


In a galaxy far away, the actress Carrie Fischer known for her role as Princess Leia in Star Wars, is known to live with what psychiatric disorder?  

What is bipolar disorder? 


Name at least 4 symptoms of depression.

What is?

- Little interest in doing things

- Low mood

- Low motivation

- Poor concentration

- Appetite and sleep disturbances

- Feeling bad about yourself/like you are a burden

- Suicidal ideation

- Moving slower than you typically would or the opposite (psychomotor retardation or agitation)

- Excessive guilt 


The skill of examining the evidence for a particular thought, rooted in CBT. 

What is checking the facts/putting thoughts on trial? 


In CBT, we work to identify these kinds of unhelpful thoughts and "check the facts". An example of these thoughts is catastrophizing, minimizing, all-or-nothing, and overgeneralization.  

What are automatic negative thoughts (ANTs) or cognitive distortions?


Suicide is the number __ cause of death in the United States among ages 15-25.

What is 3? 


Which well-known president of the United States has been said to have suffered from lifelong depression and anxiety? 

Who is Abraham Lincoln? 
