It's raining cats and dogs
It is raining very hard
A apple and an orange
Same: both fruit, both round
Different: one is orange one is red; one you must peel, the other you can eat the peel
Give two meanings for the word: park
1. Park the car
2. I go to the park to ride my bike
When do we take the the trash to the curb at home?
On trash pick up day
Where do you go if you want to ride a roller coaster
An amusement park, cedar point
She put her foot in her mouth
She said something embarresssing she said something she should not have
School and church
Same: both buildings, both places where lots of people go
Different: a church is for worship a school is for learning, a church has a minister, a school has teachers
Give two meanings for the word stare/stair
1. I walked down the stairs
2. Do not stare at me
When do you call the fire department?
If there is a fire, if someone is ill
Where do you go if you want to get your hair done?
Hair dresser, salon shop
He was quiet as a mouse
Something is very quiet
Clock and watch
Same: both can be round, both tell time
Different: a clock is on the wall, a watch is on your wrist, a clock is usually bigger than a watch
Give two meanings for the word: bat
1. The bat was hiding in the cave
2. The baseball player threw the bat
When do you say please and thank you?
When someone does something nice for you
Where do you go if you want to buy stamps?
Post office
She is pulling my leg
She is teasing or joking
Milk and. water
Different: one white/chocolate, the other is clear, one has calories and nutrients the other does not
Same: both liquids, both beverages or something we drink
Give two ways people use the word: ring
1. She put the ring on her finger
2. The phone will ring when she is ready to come home
When do you go to the bank?
When you need some money
Where do you go if you want to see art?
Art museum
He is a chip off the old block
He is just like his father or grandfather
Car and motorcycle
Same: both vehicles, both means of transportation, both have tires
Different: car is bigger, car has four wheels/tires, car has windows
Give two ways we use the word: pear/pair
1. She ate the pear -- it was very sweet
2. I bought a new pair of shoes
When do people put up Christmas trees?
At Christmas time, in December
Where do you go if you want to fly to New York City?