50% of 37 kilograms of beans
18.5 kilograms of beans
The product of two negative numbers
The only flying mammal
The Bat
Have straight lines that pass through the origin
Proportional Graphs
The 7th Grade math Teacher
Ms. Michel
$100 decreased by 26%
The distance from zero
Absolute value
Also known as the thylacine, this carnivorous marsupial went extinct in 1936
Tasmanian tiger
A rate for one of something
Unit Rate
Ms. James' undergraduate university
Hunter College
Jeremiah's pants went from costing $25 to $18.85! What was the percent change ?
Decrease of 24.6%
Determine the value of w " 3 - w = 10 "
w = (-7)
The largest land predator with transparent hair
Polar Bear
The deep sea diver's elevation was -2,380 inches below sea level after 35 minutes.
How long did it take the diver to reach -1,156 inches below sea level
17 minutes
Ms. Patrick for a year taught this subject before teaching 7th grade science
Subtotal was $20 the tip (increase) 15% and the discount (decrease) of 15%, the final cost is
Determine the value of m " -12m = -156 "
m = 13
This animal considered as poultry to many Americans was once in consideration as the national bird of the United States of America
78x = y
the number 78 represents the this
The constant of proportionality
The sum of the 7th grade major subjects room numbers
664 (114+122+205+223)
Ali tries to cut a piece of wood 40 feet long. The piece of wood ends up being 35.56 feet long. The percent error was how much?(percent change)
11.1 %
The sum of a number and its opposite multiplied by negative five
This marsupial makes cube shaped feces
The four representations of proportional relationships
Scenario(verbal or word problem)
The birthplace of Ms. Michel