I am proud of what I have accomplished over the course of this semester, an overall theme of feminism can be connected between all of my work.
What is the thesis for section one?
My projects, I got to express my learning in a creative way. It was beyond a regular exam and I am glad we did them instead
What are you proud of creating?
Pop culture ignores or cuts out this type of media, especially with lower classes or other races as seen by the censorship of diverse music
How has pop culture historically dealt with ideas of what is ‘normal’ or ‘not normal’ in
society as it relates to gender, class and race?
The American Dream is not truly achievable and not sustainable. Pop culture contradicts our everyday life
Looking at all we have discussed this semester, explain the idea of ‘American dualities’
or contradictions we have seen in our popular culture.
Getting to take a whole class centered on pop culture, a growing and relevant to the modern day, where we learned how to better analyze media presented to us
What will you remember from this class in years to come?
Taking into account the various medias presented to us, it becomes clear the amount of power media holds on American culture.
What is the thesis for section two?
Feministic, Feminism has always been a part of my life, but overall it became a common thread as I discover more of the equalities women face.
What themes emerged from your own work?
(Adding on to 100) "The Filthy Fifteen," a list of banned songs by Parents Music Resource Center
What are some examples we have seen?
NBC contacting Richard Pryor to do a nationally televised comedy special, but not liking how his uncensored humor pushed the social norms and was popular with people of all colors (Week 11, independent discussion posts on black comedians).
This includes the ‘duality myth’, but what else?
Facebook (PBS) has helped in expanding ideas. Social media, the internet, and pop culture have 'collided' in recent years. Topics are more easily shared, but disagreements are easier as well
How has the internet and social media contributed to or changed this issue?
The ideals discussed during the semester are significant to pop culture and myself in that they impact the everyday choices made; these ideals typically went unnoticed until they were brought to light in the media we interacted with.
What is the thesis for section three?
Most of the time, readings got to be a lot, but I always tried to finish them before the end of the week
How readily were you able to do the readings?
Historically, we learn 'normal' based on what is presented to us in media, such as tv or advertising
Historically speaking, how has pop culture influenced our ideas and opinions about what is ‘normal’ and what isn’t?
The exploration of topics that go against either, while portrayed in media as an interesting plot point, do not work in real life as society does not like it when others try and push the social boundary. We are trained to stay in the social limits.
What does it suggest about us?
Be aware fake information exist (Facebook) and to not get trapped in a 'filter bubble' (Eli Parsier). Learn to seek other sources and expand your viewing.
What do we need to teach when it comes to media literacy?
I got to share my learnings with the class and see what others learned. It was a great way to connect with others
What did you gain from the forum posts?
We see a historical depiction of 'normal' in Ethnic Notion, a film by Marlon Riggs; we see the disrespectful treatment to African-Africans in pop culture
What are some real life implications in regards to how pop culture addresses these issues?
As an individual it can be hard to stand up for what I believe in, but it motivates me to speak out for my ideals on feminism and social action. I interact with pop culture everyday and I need to learn to push beyond what is presented to me
How does it impact YOU? Reflecting on
what we have learned this semester, how do you think pop culture impacts your life?
Advertising & music opened my eyes to a deeper message they are presenting; My favorite topic to read about was about how consumerism controls what we wear and how we view ourselves (Cullen Ch. 6).
What topics interested you the most?
We are progressing, but are we portraying the minority as 'less than human?' (Omi/'Living in Color') There is usually a token poc on shows, we could have more representation.
Where are we at now with representation in pop
I am optimistic about the future of pop culture, I think recent generations have become more aware of what is out there and strive to make a more inclusive culture, based on our interactions on popular sites where it is easy to have our voice heard, ex: YouTube and Twitter
Are you pessimistic or optimistic (or both) about the future of pop culture, and why?