When did Amy have a crush on David?
7th grade.
Where do the Golden Girls live?
Miami, Florida
What kind of dog is she?
Shih tzu poodle mix
Where did Amy's spills constantly including an entire gallon of milk and the shattering of the giant glass coin jar happen at?
At Aunt Pam's house. (Plenty times at mom & dad's though)
When is David's birthday?
March 3rd.
What does Amy call David when she is in trouble (herself being lost, etc)?
Her saving grace
What is Sophia's famous catchphrase?
"Picture it..."
Who made the decision to adopt her?
What happened to Amy's first upper lip scar?
She hit a huge icicle; it fell straight on her lips and split the upper part.
Will his last name be the married couple's last name?
Where did her middle name, Lynn, come from?
Her birth mother's middle name
The girls are obsessed with one dessert. Which is it?
Who does Bonnie's grooming?
The Sunshine Groomer.
Why did Amy leave Elli so many notes growing up?
To apologize for stealing her clothes, jewelry & etc (LOL ILY)
What is David's favorite part of Amy?
She is bossy.
What is her occupation dream?
Opening up daycare
Whose house did all the Golden Girls live in?
Blanche's house.
Who is Bonnie's best friend?
Pepper (one of the Halverson family's dogs)
What is the furniture that gave Amy her first stitches?
The brown coffee table
Where was David born?
Florida (his mom was a zookeeper down there.)
Why does she want to marry David?
He is her soulmate, duh... well taxes, too.
Which one of the cast members wore clip-on earrings?
Bea Arthur (Dorothy)
How many times has Bonnie had her hair dyed?
David: 6 times (he thinks so)
What was Amy's favorite thing to eat when she was in elementary school?
Her clothing (cuffs)
Why does he want to marry Amy?
For her money & the party! (He loves her too!)