The New Vision & NGSS
Critical Practices
Physics - Falling Objects
Earth Science: Plastics
Life Science: Adaptations

The acronym, "NGSS," stands for this

What is The Next Generation Science Standards


The organization that developed the critical practices is called this

What is Teaching Tolerance 

In the NGSS Performance Expectation, 

5-PS1-1 Matter and Its Interactions,

The5 stands for 5th grade and the PS stands for This

what is physical science


In the NGSS PE 

MS-ESS3 Earth and Human Activity

The "MS" stands for this

What is middle school


In the Performance Expectation, 

3-LS4-3 Biological Evolution: Unity and Diversity

The 3 stands for third grade and the LS stands for this

what is life science


The "New Vision" asks that instead of teachers posing questions with only one right answer, students be engaged in discussing this type of question.

What are open-ended questions 


The 4 categories of critical practices are Teacher Leadership, Family and Community Engagement, Classroom Culture, and this: 

What is instruction? 


The Disciplinary Core Idea. PS1.A states that 

Matter of any type can be subdivided into particles that are too small to THIS, but even then the matter still exists and can be detected by other means.

What is too small to see


Typically as human populations and per-capita consumption of natural resources increase, he negative impacts on Earth's life-sustaining systems do this

increase also


Camouflage can help animals grow, survive, and thrive because it allows them to be hidden from predators and/or allows them to do this

hide from/sneak up on prey


 The NGSS promote 3-dimensional learning. The three dimensions are Disciplinary Core Ideas (DCIs), Cross-Cutting Concepts (CC) and this

Science and Engineering Practices (SEPs)


This critical practice requires questioning, forming and challenging opinions, and feeling outrage or inspiration. It is about helping individuals find their voices and learn to trust their instincts. And it is about teaching the value of what students know and encouraging them to use their knowledge in the service of their academic, personal, social and political lives. Open-ended and higher-order questioning is one of the strategies.

What is Critical Engagement with Material?


In the book/pape drop, the paper took a longer amount of time to reach the ground because of the resistance of THIS matter

What is air?


The production, consumption, and disposal of plastics is considered a considerable problem because the chemical composition of plastics makes them take hundreds of lifetimes to do this

what is biodegrade (or break down)


As the eyes move forward along the face – the slightly different perspective on the scene in front of you that each of your two eyes sends to your brain – that allows you to perceive depth. 

Animals with sideways-facing eyes may not have this well-developed depth perception, but they are able to see an extremely wide panorama instead.

A wide, panoramic field of vision would be advantageous to an animal due to this

better able to see predators coming


The New Vision and NGSS promote the idea of situating learning within the context of life-relevant, real-world this___also defined as observable events



Rather than bringing a “one size fits all” mentality to curriculum and learning, teachers who practice THIS critical practice--under the  INSTRUCTION category---vary and adapt their strategies to fit individual student needs, backgrounds, skill levels, talents and learning profiles. This approach actively honors and addresses student diversity.

What is differentiated instruction?


You were asked to draw a picture to represent the phenomenon of how airplanes fly. This is actually the Science and Engineering Practice of Developing and Using this

What are models?

One negative impact of marine plastic pollution on wildlife is this

Answers will vary


In grades 3-5, students should not only learn to develop their own arguments based on evidence, but they should also learn how to do this to the arguments of others

what is critique


This is one of the Crosscutting Concepts 

What are: 


Cause and effect

scale, proportion, and quantity

systems and system models

structure and function

stability and change

energy and matter


This practice, in which teachers can show they value students’ lives and identities in a variety of ways--for example, in science class, by asking students to use their everyday ideas and experiences is called Honoring Student this:

What is Student Experiences?

If a student argued that the paper would hit the ground first, she might be thinking this

answers will vary


One thing individuals can do to mitigate the negative impacts of plastic pollution on Earth's life sustaining systems is this

answers will vary


If a student, in describing the adaptations of octopuses said that their ability to camoufalge was both a behavioral and a structural adaptation, he might be thinking this

answers may vary 
