Do you have a family ___________?
(something that has been handed down from generation to generation)
What is a family heirloom?
He was ____________ for his own life.
What is responsible?
These lights are _______________.
What is fading? (fade)
His you tube channel has over 5 million _____________.
What is subscriber?
He is ___________________
What is fuming?
This sound is a ______________.
What is a murmur?
This girl is doing ______________.
What is Pilates?
When you _______ you speak without a script.
What is ad-lib?
If there is a ___________ in the computer, something is not right with the computer.
What is a glitch?
If you finish your letter with an extra few words, you might add __________ then the words.
What is P.S.?
You are ______________ if you really are into yourself.
What is narcissistic?
These people are having a ____________.
What is a debate?
When you are feeling ___________, you might also feel uncomfortable.
What is awkward?
These clocks are _____________-.
What is distorted? (distort)
What is a vase?
The girl in the video is _______________.
What is auditioning? She is at an audition.
When something happens right now, it is happening __________________.
What is immediately?
It is very ____________ for me when there is a lot of noise while I am trying to study.
What is distracting?
Just like a fish, she was ________ into action.
What is baited?
These are ______________ activities at school.
If you are ___________, you act your age and then some.
What is mature?
He definitely is ______________ because he definitely did it.
What is guilty?
His daily ____________ is very simple.
What is routine?
He is so full of himself, he is ______________>
What is arrogant?