Who is Marlene?
An elephant
What is a zoo?
Is where you can go to see different types of animals.
Where are they gonna live since there house got bombed
Because it was during world war ll.
Why is Lizzie in the nursing?
because she's getting older and she's gonna have to start to relax for her rest of her life.
When are they gonna go back to Germany?
There gonna go back to Germany after the world war ll is over.
Who is the main character ?
What is a nursing home?
Where elderly people that need help are gonna have to go there.
Where is the location of the nursing home?
It's front of the mountains in the snow.
Why does the elephant live in lizzie's garden?
Because while lizzie was growing up she had a pet elephant and she wanted her elephant to live with her.
Who is Mutti?
Mutti is a friend of Lizzie's.
What is the world war ll
It's a war during the early 1900s where people are fighting and killing.
Where in Germany do they live?
They live in Dresden Germany.
Why did they take Marlene out of the zoo.
Because there's a family members that letted Lizzie keep her.
Who is Karl?
Karl is a friend of lizzie's.
What are they gonna do in the forest?
They are gonna try to find a place to stay.
Where does Lizzie live?
She lived in a small village house.
Who is gonna take care of Marlene?
Lizzie and Lizzie's mom is gonna take care of Marlene.
What is gonna happen when karl started to stop breathing?
They are gonna rush him to the hospital.
Where does Karl live?
He lives next door next to Lizzie.