Cultural Differences
Story Elements
Comparisons with Other Stories
What are the actual names of both protagonists?
Both are named Arturo
Where did Arturo grow up?
New York
How does the story begin?
Arturo is visiting his grandfather at the Home. His mother is dropping him off.
Why is knowing the author's background important?
Provides context - lets us know their purpose/thought process, etc.
What is unique about this story?
Arturo checks his watch as soon as he meets with his Grandfather; why is this important? What does it say about Arturo's character?
It shows he's thinking about his own plans - he doesn't really want to be there (he's inconsiderate)
Where is Abuelo from? Is he more Latin or North-American?
Puerto-Rico; much more Latin.
What is the main theme or moral of the story?
Respect, not being judgmental, understanding, family values
What did 'perk up' mean? How can we remember this?
To suddenly pay attention. Associated with animal behavior - perked ears. "Central Perk" from FRIENDS.
What story is this most like, compared to the others we've read?
What is Abuelo's personality like? How can you tell?
He is kind, but also a bit distant: he's polite with Arturo, but not necessarily forthcoming.
Arturo regularly sees his cousins, True or False? How can you infer this from the text?
False; he mentions a van filled with grandchildren, as if he's not very familiar with the situation and is only guessing/exaggerating.
What is the main conflict of the story?
Can't find something to talk about. Story finishes and Arturo doesn't appreciate grandfather's efforts.
How did the author describe her family before we began reading the story? What were they like in her house?
Many family members, always visiting - they were like an ant colony.
Consider the other two old men we've seen in other stories - how are they alike or different from Abuelo? Give 2 details.
With Lester and Anselmo; they all spend time with younger people, they're all pretty lonely / each had a different job and different setting.
Why didn't Arturo like the phrase "Asi es la vida"?
To him, it means passiveness, letting things happen instead of actually pursuing your dream or working hard.
What are 3 ways that Arturo represents U.S. culture more than Latin-American culture?
He's not that talkative - he's not that close to his extended family - he won't let anyone get in his way - he's very focused on his personal success, etc.
What is rising action? How does it fit into this story?
Actions leading to the climax/main conflict. In this story, the build-up is the grandfather's narration of his life - varies.
What 3 adjectives would you use to describe Arturo? And 3 adjectives for Abuelo?
Compare and contrast Arturo vs. Squeaky. Give 2 similarities and 2 differences.
At the end, despite the loss of dreams, we see that Abuelo is fine with his life - how do we see that? Give two examples from the story.
He wrote his autobiography and ended it peacefully, and he still has fun at the Old Person's Home.
After reading this story and considering the common changes Latin families go through in the U.S. across generations, give 2 advantages and 2 disadvantages to growing up between completely different cultures.
What is irony? What is the irony of this story?
Unexpected twist concerning expectations and actual development. In the end, the grandfather had his own plans, same as Arturo.
Did the author base the story on her own life's experiences? In what way? What happened to her that resembles the theme of this story?
She also didn't appreciate her grandfather when she was younger, and now the irony is that she learned much from him, even when she thought she was doing him the favor.
How are the genres in this story different from the others? This has a mixture: what is it? Compare this style to "American Childhood" - what's different there?
1st POV narrative story with an autobiography from other chracter: AC is much more descriptive, whereas "An Hour..." and its use of autobiography is simplistic.