she has a green thumb
good at gardening
conclusion is to introduction
as poverty is to ____________
wealth / successful / influential
moist is to drenched
as pretty is to
unattractive / gorgeous / beauty
down in the dumps
depressed and sad
Don't let the cat out of the bag
don't tell the secret (don't spill the beans!!)
I'm all ears
I'm listening
speech is to communication
as democracy is to _________
ruler / government / citizen
gesture is to expression
as cartoon is to ________
humorous / entertain / illustration
don't throw in the towel
don't give up
resistance is to opposition
as advantage is to _______
benefit / weakness / improvement
She's catching some zzz's
taking a nap
conductor is to baton
as judge is to _______
lawyer / gavel / courtroom
pillar is to column
as bush is to _____
tree / shrub / post
see eye to eye
agree on something
he bit off more than he can chew
he took on more than he can handle
I'd like to sleep on it
take a little more time to think about it
detective is to investigate
as advertisement is to ________
commercial / slogan / promote
nuisance is to pest
as worry is to _________
anxious / concern / failure
he's in hot water
in trouble
monitor is to computer
as antenna is to _______
signal / radio / wave
He's on top of the world
very happy
freeze is to thaw
as lose is to _________
forfeit / participate / win
spout is to kettle
as nozzle is to ________
handle / hose / water
I'm all tied up
I'm very busy
arrogant is to modest
as feeble is to _______
vain / strong / power