What is abortion defined as?
Termination of women pregnancy.
What is reproductive defined as?
the process of reproducing.
What is sexual violence defined as?
the force of someone else into unwanted sexual activity without consent.
What is carceral feminism defined as?
aa type of feminism that increases the prison sentences that deal with gender. issues.
What is contraception defined as?
The use to prevent pregnancy with surgery, drugs, or device.
What is Justice defiend as?
People being treated fairly or properly.
What is consent defined as?
Agreement that something can happen.
What is abolitionist feminism defined as?
a branch of feminism that enhaances for the elimination of the prison industrial complex.
What was considered the atttitude twords abortion in the 19th- centuries?
It was known as a "quickening" which is looked at as not criminal (Mohr, 1970).
What is the linkage between white supremacy and reproductive rights?
The pratices and policies of reproductive with white supremacy in ways harm people of color (Ross, 1977).
What is the role of civil rights movement with black women?
Black women were becoming active leaders in fighting against raacial and sexual oppression (Mcguire, 2004).
How does carceral feminism relate to marginalized communities?
In marginalized communites the increase of arrests, low income communites, immigrant population, etc (Law, 2024).
What was one of the key factors that led to enhancing abortion laws?
The decreasing rates of birth in America (Mohr, 1970).
What is "chocie" considered in the reproductive justices?
Chocie is considered as having equal rights and opportunities with aadding in reproductive justice as ensuring equity to marginalized communities (Ross, 1977).
what is the connection between white supremacy and sexual violence?
Sexual violence was seen as a way to control black communities with the uplook of white supremacy (Mcguire, 2004).
What is prison industrial complex defiend as?
the intersection of private industry and government intersection of the prison system (Davis, 1998).
What was one impacted of abortion laws that paly a role in womens health?
The unsafe seek for illegal abortions that led to death, infections, aand complications (Mohr, 1970).
what is the history between reproductive oppression with communities of color?
Having population control with marginalized communites to limit the reproductive rrights of people of color (Ross, 1977).
What is one factor that black women faced in looking for justice after being sexually assaulted?
One factor they faced was discrimination (Mcguire,2004).
What is masked racism viewed as in crime and punishment?
Msked rasicm is viewed as the most effective way to solve crime (Davis,1998).