History at a glance
When should I?

Read and analyze the Intake Assessment to ensure what?

There is a clear understanding of the maltreatment allegations and any safety threats.


Is it necessary to review history in an Out of State case?

Yes. It is important to review ALL history, including Out of State cases. 


What is Chronicity?

Chronicity is the frequency of the recurrence of maltreatment.


Where was Usher at 7 o'clock?

In his drop top cruising the streets of course!!!


When should I contact the Reporting Source?

Prior to initiating an assessment. The reporting source should be called to obtain any additional information, and to clarify and questions prior to the initial assessment. 


What should be reviewed and considered during a Special Investigation and/or Policy Violation?

1.Foster care stages for each alleged child victim in DFCS custody stages;

2.The foster or adoptive parents’ case record (FAD);

3.Information on a kinship placement available; and

4.CPA/CCI resource information


What does History Include? (In which cases is history reviewed? )

Intakes (screened outs and I&R’s)

 Family Support Services

 Investigations/Special Investigations

 Family Preservation Services

 Foster Care, Adoptions

  Resource Development

 Out of State CPS Involvement


The chronicity of the maltreatment should be assessed when?

 When reviewing previous history.


How many holidays does the State of Georgia employees observe?



When should CPS discuss history?

 History should be discussed during Pre & Post Staffing (discussing any history in the staffing’s)


When should ISA documentation be entered in Shines?

Document ISA activities in Georgia SHINES within 72 hours of occurrence.


Discuss history with the caretaker to gain their perspective. ( True or False)


Discuss history with the caregivers to obtain their perspective regarding the previous history, including correlation to current circumstances.


Give an Example of Chronicity?

History of sexual abuse of any family member as a victim or perpetrator.

Recent incident, or indication, of abuse.

Prior child abuse investigation, regardless of finding.

Child been removed from the home by a protective service agency.

Prior incident resulted in a severe outcome.


What was the first Child Protective Agency in the world?

The New York Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Children. Founded in 1875 by Elbridge Thomas Gerry. 


When should history be reviewed for Family Preservation/ Permanency?

Family Preservation and Permanency should  review  the disposition and overall findings when a case is transferred to their program area.


Review the history of each household member as both a child and an adult. ( True or False)


During the review, analyze:

a. The number and frequency of previous reports;

b. The allegations reported;

c. The household members involved in the previous reports and the role that the member played in the family;

d. The role of the alleged maltreater in previous and/current child abuse allegations;

e. The severity of the reports and whether the severity is increasing;

f. The dispositions of the reports;

g. The family’s response to intervention;

h. Family strengths and support system;

i. Previous services provided to the family; and

Overall outcomes of agency intervention


Reviewing and analyzing DFCS history can provide an abundance of information about a family and the level of intervention needed to assist the family with the challenges they are facing in everyday life tasks. Some of the information that can be gathered from a family’s history includes, but is not limited to:

1.Family and caregiver strengths.

2.The family’s cultural beliefs and values.

3.The underlying challenges that a family is currently facing.

4.The family’s previous response to intervention and treatment strategies.

5.Support networks previously used to reduce or mitigate safety concerns, and the effectiveness of such supports.

6.Traumatic events affecting family members.

7.Coping skills used by the family to deal with traumatic events.

8.Identifying relatives, family supports, or any information to assist with locating a parent, family or youth who cannot be located or have moved to an unknown location. A thorough analysis and deliberate consideration of the DFCS history of all caregivers and household members must be incorporated into decision-making throughout the life of a case.


Random:Finish the lyric to this song...( next sentence)

I believe the children are our future.....

Teach them well and let them lead the way, show them all the beauty they possess inside. 


Name three Notable women in early Child Welfare.

Janie Porter

Fredricka Douglass-Perry

Carrie Steele


What should I document after I review case history?

a. Dates of reports, allegations, dispositions and overall outcomes of intervention;

b. A detailed description of how the historical information impacts the current assessment or decision; and

c. The caregiver’s perspective of the history.


When do you analyze and consider history?

a. Making an intake decision;

b. Making a track decision during the Initial Safety Assessment;

c. Making a safety determination and safety planning;

d. Making an investigation determination;

e. Making a family support services determination;

f. Making a policy violation determination and developing a Corrective Action Plan (CAP);

g. Conducting diligent searches;

h. Approving or re-approving caregivers in out-of-home placements (voluntary kinship, foster care or adoption);

i. Developing contact standards;

j. Selecting permanency plans and making permanency decisions;

k. Developing the case plan, family plan and action plan;

l. Selecting and providing services to families;

m. Reunifying children with caregivers;

n. A parent, family or youth is unable to be located.


 Random: Is this your lucky day? 

Switch points with the team of your choice!!!


Chronicity involves an assessment of what areas?

1. Is there a history of sexual abuse of any family member as a victim or perpetrator? This includes both civil and criminal reports of sexual abuse in Georgia and other localities; regardless of the disposition or the role of the principles in those past reports.

2. Has there been a recent incident, or indication, of abuse (within last 6 months)? This question applies to any indication of abuse within the last 6 months and is not restricted to official agency reports. It may include statements from the child, family, community, professionals or others.

3. Has there been a prior child abuse investigation, regardless of finding? This includes any DFCS involvement in Georgia or in other states, regardless of the disposition.

4. Has any child been removed from the home by a protective service agency? This question applies to the court ordered removal of any child in Georgia or in other states. This also includes serious incidents in licensed foster/adoptive homes.

5. Has any prior incident resulted in a severe outcome? Indications of severe outcomes are those which require prompt medical attention; may require medical or psychiatric hospitalization; may endanger the child’ life; may cause permanent functional impairment, death, or disfigurement; and, sexual intercourse or sexual acts performed with a child.


Who is Jane Addams?

known as the " Mother of Social Work"


When should I evaluate Chronicity?

Evaluate the chronicity of the history and the impact of the history on the current intake report, assessment, case/family plan, or case decision.
