How many cranial bones are there? List them all
8 Cranial Bones (only learning 7)
Parietal (2)
Temporal (2)
What is the periosteum?
The tough sheath of dense irregular CT that covers bone surface, protects the bone, contains blood vessels and nerves that supply the bone, and has cells that form new bone tissue.
How many true, false and floating ribs are there?
1-7 true ribs (7)
8-10 false ribs (3)
11-12 floating ribs (2)
Name the 7 parts of the humerus
Head, neck, shaft, medial and lateral epicondyles, capitulum, trochlea, olecranon fossa
Name the bones of the foot, how many of each, and what type of bone they are
Tarsal- 7- short bones
Metatarsal- 5- long bones
phalanges- 14- long bones
Name the 3 fossa in the cranial base.
Anterior, Middle, Posterior
What is the medullary cavity?
Name the parts of a rib, and name the part that attaches to the transverse process of a vertebrae
Head, neck, tubercle, angle, costal groove, shaft
The tubercle attaches to the transverse process
Name the 4 parts of the radius and ulna, and what each end of both bones articulate with
Radius Head- capitulum of humerus and ulna
Radius- shaft
Radius Distal end (styloid process) - carpal bones
Ulna- Trochlear notch- trochlea of humerus
Ulna- Olecranon- olecranon fossa of humerus
Ulna- shaft
Ulna- head and neck (at the distal end of the bone)
Ulna- Styloid process- carpal bones
Name the parts of the tibia
Lateral and medial condyles, tibial tuberosity, shaft, anterior border, medial malleolus
What are the 3 parts of the mandible?
The angle, body, and ramus
Covers epiphysis, reduces joint friction, and absorbs shock.
Name the 3 parts of the sternum
Xiphoid process
Name the parts of the clavicle and what each end articulates with
Acromial end- articulates with acromion of scapula
Sternal end- articulates with sternum
Name the parts of the fibula, superiorly to inferiorly
Lateral Malleolus
Name 4 facial bones (if something is paired, it only counts as one)
Maxillary (2)
Nasal (2)
Zygomatic (2)
What are the 4 types of bone?
Flat bone, irregular bones, long bones, and short bones.
Name the divisions of the vertebral column and how many vertebrae they each include
Cervical- 7
Thoracic- 12
Lumbar- 5
Saccrum- 5 fused
Coccyx- 3-5 fused
Coracoid process, glenoid fossa, acromion, spine
Name the parts of the femur, and what the top part articulates with
Head- articulates with acetabulum
Neck, shaft, medial and lateral condyles, patellar surface
Name the 4 sutures in the skull
What is the outer cortical layer and the inner cancellous layer?
Outer cortical- compact bone (hard and strong)
Inner cancellous- spongy and porous
Name the 4 parts of a regular vertebrae at a superior view, from the posterior to the anterior, and then the 4 parts of the C1 and 1 component of the C2 vertebrae (in no particular order)
Spinous process, transverse process (2) vertebral foramen, body
C1- anterior arch, articular surface for dens, articular surface for occipital condyles, lateral mass
C2- Dens
Name the 3 bones in the hand, how many of each there are, and what type of bone it is
carpal bones- 8- short bones
metacarpal bones- 5- long bones
phalanges- 14- long bones
Name EVERY part of the pelvic girdle (including parts of the ilium, holes, notches, etc)
Basic divisions- ilium, ischium, and pubis
Ilium divisions- Posterior superior iliac spine, posterior inferior iliac spine, iliac crest, anterior superior iliac spine, and anterior inferior iliac spine
Ischial parts- ischial spine, ischial tuberosity
pubic parts- pubic symphisis
Holes and notches- greater sciatic notch, lesser sciatic notch, acetabulum, obturator foramen