Toward the head or upper part of body.
Away from the head or towards the lower part of the body.
How many body planes do we have?
How many sections is the abdominal cavity divided into?
Describe the anatomical position.
Standing upright, feet parallel, arms at sides, palms forward, thumbs away from body.
Close to the origin of the body part or point of attachment to the trunk.
Further from the origin of the body, or the point of attachment for a limb.
Imaginary lines dividing the body.
The Dorsal (posterior) Cavity is made up of what two subdivisions?
Cranial Cavity & Spinal Cavity
What is homeostasis?
The body's ability to maintain relatively stable internal conditions even though the outside world is continuously changing.
Toward or at the body surface.
Away from the body surface, more internal.
A cut along a lengthwise plane that divides the body into anterior and posterior parts.
Frontal or Coronal Plane
The Ventral(anterior) Cavity is made up of what two subdivisions?
Thoracic cavity & the Abdominopelvic cavity
What are the 5 things humans need to survive?
Water, Oxygen, Nutrients, Atmospheric Pressure, Normal Body Temperature (98 Degrees)
Away from the midline of the body.
Toward the midline of the body.
A cut along a horizontal plane, dividing the body into superior and inferior parts.
Transverse Plane
Below represents the 9 sections of the Abdomen, can you name the 3 middle sections (#1,#1, & #3)?
1 = Epigastric
2 = Umbilical
3 = Hypogastric
Name at least 4 of the 8 NECESSARY LIFE FUNCTIONS?
Toward or at the backside of the body.
Dorsal / Posterior
Toward or at the front of the body.
Anterior / Ventral
A cut along the lengthwise, dividing the body into left and right parts.
Midsagittal or Median Plane
Below represents the 9 Regions of the abdomen, can you name the 3 sections on the right (#1, #2, & #3)?
1 = Right Hypochondriac
2 = Right Lumbar
3 = Right Iliac
Can you name 5 of the 11 Body Systems?
Skeletal, Muscular, Cardiovascular(Circulatory), Nervous, Endocrine, Integumentary, Respiratory, Digestive, Urinary, Lymphatic(Immune), & Reproductive