transverse plane
what is divide the body into top and bottom halves
location of epigastric region
what is above stomach
teeth and tongue
what is oral cavity
organs in upper right quadrant
what is liver, gallbladder, and duodenum
medial and lateral
what is body parts toward plane (medial) and body parts away the plane (lateral)
another name for coronal plane and explain what it is
what is frontal plane, divides into ventral and dorsal sections
location of the umbilical region
what is belly button
the brain and the spinal cord
what is dorsal cavity
organs in upper left quadrant
what is stomach, spleen, pancreas and adrenal glands
superior and inferior
what is upper/above (superior) and lower/below (inferior)
dorsal cavity
what is the spinal cavity
sides your hypocondriac regions should be
what is below the ribs, left and right
trachea, esophagus and heart
what is thoracic cavity
organs in lower right quadrant
what is appendix, portion of the colon and fallopian tubes
cranial and caudal
what is skull/head (cranial) and tail end (caudal)
sections of the ventral cavity
what is thoracic, abdominal, and pelvic cavities
what is tail end
stomach, liver, gallbladder, pancreas, spleen, small intestine, appendix and parts of the large intestine
what is the abdominal cavity
organs in lower left quadrant
what is parts of small intestine, part of hip bone and pelvis and left kidney
anterior and posterior
what is front of the body (anterior) and back of the body (posterior)
abdominal regions
what is epigastric, umbilical, hypogastric, hypochondriac, lumbar and iliac
midsaggital plane
what is divide the body into left and right halves
reproductive organs and bladder
what is pelvic cavity
your favorite quadrant
what is the organs in the quadrant
proximal and distal