Fibrous joint between patietal bones
what is sagittal suture?
Fibrous joint between frontal and parietal bones
what is coronal suture?
These structures are spaces between dura layers at infolding allowing for drainage of all blood to IJV.
what are dural venous sinuses?
5 layers of SCALP
Connective tissue (SubQ, very large and vasculature)
Aponeurosis (epicranius)
Loose connective tissue (site of infection & blood spread)
inflammation of teh arachnoid and Pia mater due to infections of the blood, visceral infection, or cranial fractures.
what is Leptomeningitis?
Fibrous joint between parietal and occipital lobes
what is lambdoid suture?
Fibrous joint between parietal and temporal bones
what is squamous suture?
These structures pass through the foramen magnum.
what are spinal cord, roots of CN XI, vertebral a, anterior/posterior spinal a, dural veins?
why might someone present with Raccoon eyes?
scalp blood/infections can easily spread to face because your Frontalis muscle attaches skin!
Name the arteries or veins affected in the 3 types of hematomas.
what is middle meningeal a, bridging veins, cerebral a or v?
spot where coronal and saggital sutures meet
what is Bregma?
anterior attachment for falx cerebra
what is crista Galli?
Bonus: what bone and fossa is this in?
Bonus: what else exits in this area?
These pass through cavernous sinus?
what are ICA and CN VI
Bonus: what passes thorugh the outer wall?
This is a route of spread of infections to meninges. This structure traverses the cranium and drain blood from scalp into dural venous system.
what are emissary veins?
increased ICP and/or tumors can cause compression of this space.
what is tentorial notch?
These 2 structures that pass through the optic canal
what is CN II and Opthalmic a.
attachments for sellar diaphragm
what are anterior and posterior clinoid processes?
Name the 2 UNpaired bones in the viscerocranium.
what are the Mandible and Vomer?
This layer in the meninges is richly innervated by CN V and meningeal arteries.
what is the periosteal layer of the dura mater?
conditions in which increased ICP forces brain tissue over a dural reflection into a neighboring compartment.
what is herniation syndromes?
Bonus: name whats affected in the 3 examples (uncle, subfalcine, tonsillar).
2 structures that pass through carotid canal and groove
what is ICA and sympathetic n.
This cranial fossa has the grooves for sinuses.
what is posterior cranial fossa?
Name the 2 paired bones of your neurocranium.
what are parietal and temporal?
_____ are invaginations into dural sinuses used in CSF reabsorption.
what is arachnoid villi?
covers the hypophysial fossa, separates brain from hypophysis & infundibulum passes thorugh this structure.
what is the diaphraggma sellae?