What is washing your hands?
The side of the body that your heart is on
What is the left side?
Main organs involved in breathing
What are the lungs?
Parts of the central nervous system (main control center)
What are the brain and spinal cord?
What is the mouth?
Blood cells that help immune system (white or red?)
What are white blood cells?
Blood vessels that carry blood toward the heart
What are veins?
Part of air that we breathe in to stay alive
What is oxygen?
Movements that you can not control (they happen automatically)
What are reflexes/involuntary movements?
The pipe which food travels down
What is the esophagus?
Barrier of defense in nose and throat
What is mucus?
Blood vessels that carry blood away from the heart
What are arteries?
Part of air that we breathe out
What is CO2?
Movements that you control
What are voluntary movements?
Place where acid breaks down food
What is the stomach?
The flu shot helps protect us in this way
What is injecting the virus so our body can remember it and know how to fight it?
Chambers in the heart
What are atria and ventricles?
Carries oxygen throughout our bodies
What is blood?
The type of cell in the nervous system
What are neurons?
Organ that breaks down healthy fats in foods and processes alcohol