How are the abdominal muscle innervated?
Segmentally innervated by T7-T12 or L1
Which ribs are true ribs? false ribs? floating ribs?
True: 1-7
False: lower 5
Floating: 11 and 12
What are the midline structures?
hyoid bone, thyroid cartilage, cricoid cartilage, tracheal cartilage
Where is the primary sensory cortex? primary motor cortex?
sensory: postcentral gyrus
motor: pre-central gyrus
What tissue type is the Annulus Fibrosus composed of?
Fibrous connective tissue
The functions of abdominal muscles?
strength to the abdominal wall, support posture, forced expiration, protection and support of abdominal contents, bowel movement, trunk flexion, pelvic tilts, pelvic rotation
what are the 3 parts of the sternum?
manubrium, body, xiphoid process
What are the strap muscles and what is their innervation?
omohyoid, sternohyoid, sternothyroid, thyrohyoid
Ansa cervicalis
Which foramen do the three branches of CN V go through to exit the skull?
V1: superior orbital fissure
V2: foramen rotundum
V3: foramen ovale
Which ligament limits flexion and is located between laminae?
ligamentum flavum
What is the order of the rectus sheath above the arcuate line?
External oblique goes over, internal oblique splits half over and half under, transversus abdominus goes under
What does quiet breathing?
inspiration: diaphragm
expiration: passive recoil
Function of the Risorius muscle?
Where is Broca's speech area? what is its function?
the frontal lobe, left hemisphere, inferior frontal gyrus
motor aspect of speech
what is the innervation of the deep back muscles?
dorsal rami of spinal nerves
What are the types of hernias?
Inguinal, femoral, umbilical, hiatal
How is the intercostal neurovascular bundle arranged from superior to inferior?
Vein, Artery, Nerve
Bonus: what is the condition if this nerve was disrupted?
temporal, zygomatic, buccal, mandibular, cervical
bonus: Bell's Palsy
What is the bregma?
where sagittal and coronal sutures meet
What is the common origin of the erector spinae muscle group?
iliac crest, sacrum, spinous processes of T11, T12 and lumbar vertebrae
What is the linea alba?
where the aponeurosis of left and right sides fuse
How many lobes are in the right lung? Left lung?
Bonus: what is the extra fissure called in the lung with 3 lobes?
Right: 3
Left: 2
Bonus: horizontal fissure
Which structures are anterior to the anterior scalene?
Between anterior and middle scalene?
anterior: phrenic n. and subclavian v.
middle: brachial plexus and subclavian a.
What goes through the jugular foramen?
CN's IX, X, XI and the internal jugular vein
What is the order of the transversospinalis muscles from superficial to deep?
Bonus: what is their action?
semispinalis, multifidus, rotatores
Bonus: rotation to opposite side