supplies the dura and calvaria
what is the middle meningeal a?
Bonus: tell me its origin
raises upper eyelid innervated by symaothetic NS-->damage can lead to Horner's syndrome
what is superior tarsal?
raises upper eyelid and innervated by CN III
what is levator palpebrae superiors?
Innervation and Action of SCM
unilateral- rotates head to contralateral side, tilts head to same side
Bilateral- flexion of the neck
name the boundaries of the carotid triangle.
what is post belly of digastric, SCM, superior belly of omohyoid?
injury to SCM causes fibrosis and shortening of muscle. Name this condition.
what is congeintal torticollis?
Bony orbits
what makes up the roof, floor, medial wall and lateral wall
what is frontal, maxilla, ethmoid and lacrimal, zygomatic and sphenoid bones?
Horner's syndrome is total loss of _____________.
sympathetics (sympathetic trunk)
Potential space b/w buccopharyngeal fascia (anteriorly), pre vertebral fascia (posteriorly), and carotid sheath.
what is retropharyngeal space?
Bonus: what pathology can occur here due to an infection and spead to mediastinum?
this artery lies deep to the submandibular gland
what is the facial artery?
innervation of the suprahyoid muscles
facial for post digastric, stylohyoid
V3 for mylohyoid and ant digastric
flow of lacrimal fluid from gland to nasal cavity
excess fluid-->lacrimal puncta-->lacrimal canaliculi-->lacrimal sac-->duct-->inferior meatus of nasal cavity
Bonus: innervation of lacrimal gland
contents of supraorbital notch/foramen
what is supraorbital n. and a.
SCM, mandible, midline neck.
what is boundaries of the anterior triangle?
These nodes drain tip of tongue, mandibular incisor teeth, median part of lower lip.
what is submental triangle?
SCM, trapezius, middle 1/3 clavicle.
what is boundaries of posterior triangle of the neck?
2 parts of Obicularis Oculi muscle and their actions
orbital: tight closing
Palpebral: gentle closing
Bonus: innervation
contents of inferior orbital fissure
what is infraorbital n., a., opthalmic v.?
what lymph nodes drain the upper lip, lateral part of lower lip, part of tghe tongue, and all the teeth (except mandibular incisors)
what is the submandibular lymph nodes
name 2 boundaries of submittal triangle
what is hyoid bone and ant bellies of digastric?
geniohyoid innervation
cervical plexus
autonomic innervation of lacrimal gland
Parasympathetic: facial n-->greater petrosal n-->synapse in pterygopalatine ganglion-->joins V2-->lacrimal n
Sympathetic: superior cervical ganglion-->Internal carotid plexus-->deep petrosal n-->pterygopalatine-->V2-->lacrimal n
what is facial n palsy?
-because muscles that elevate upper eyelid are unaffected so this does not result in TRUE ptosis
name the dee and superficial cutaneous branches of the cervical plexus
Deep: Ansa cervicalis
Superficial: lesser occipital, greater auricular, transverse cervical, supraclavicular
Location at which nerves emerging form the cervical plexus pierce midway down SCM through deep fascia of the neck and become cutaneous.
what is Erbs point?
Bonus: what triangle is this located in?