What is the skeletal system?
The three kind of muscle tissue in your body.
What are skeletal, smooth and cardiac?
The name of the pipe that food goes down.
What is the esophagus?
This is a lifesaving method used if you are choking.
What is the Heimlich Maneuver?
The main job description of this organ is to pump blood throughout the body so oxygen and nutrients can be used by the cells.
What is the heart?
There are two kinds of bone marrow.
What is red bone marrow and yellow bone marrow?
Skeletal Muscles are also called.
What are voluntary muscles?
Food when it enters the small intestine
What is Chyme?
What is the diaphragm?
The veins carrying blood from the lungs to the heart.
What are pulmonary veins?
The rib cage protects.
What is your heart and lungs?
A nutrient that makes your muscles strong and healthy
What are proteins?
When the gastresophageal sphincter relaxes and lets air out out of your stomach this happens
What is a burp?
What are the alveoli?
The largest artery in the body located at the top of the heart.
What is the aorta?
The girdle below your waist
What is the pelvic girdle?
The connective tissue that attaches your muscles to your bones.
This organ produces hormones as well as digestive juices
What is the pancreas?
This is a safeguard God created to keep bad things out of our lungs
What is mucus?
Deposits of fatty material that build up inside the blood vessels.
What is plaque?
There are eight short bones in your wrist.
What are the carpals?
Muscles that work opposite of each other.
What are antagonistic muscles?
This organ is a huge chemical factory
What is the liver?
When a human takes a deep breath and fills their lungs with a large volume of air.
What is total lung capacity?
Thin tissue that lines the inside walls of the heart.
What is endocardium?