This part of the skin of a cow is worn when someone wears a leather jacket.
What is the dermis?
These this epithelium is a single layer of ice-cube-shaped cells that typically secretes mucous.
What is simple cuboidal?
These fatty insulators wrap around the axon of nerve cells.
What are myelin sheaths?
This chamber of the heart is the first area that oxygenated blood visits.
What is the left atrium?
Sometimes referred to as the "wrong pipe", this tube like structure carries air to and from the lungs.
What is the trachea?
These glands become active when you're working out or feverish.
What are sudoriferous glands?
This type of epithelium is located in the nasal cavity where a large amount of mucous is secreted, but diffusion can also occur.
What is simple columnar.
Nerve cells use these chemical signals to communicate.
What are neurotransmitters?
Located between the right ventricle and the lungs, this structure prevents backflow of blood during diastole.
What is the pulmonic valve?
These tubes extend from the trachea.
What are the bronchi?
This part of the skin contains the melanocytes and flattened cells that are filled with keratin.
What is the epidermis?
This type of epithelium is located in the lungs where diffusion of oxygen and carbon dioxide are exchanged.
What is simple squamous?
If your Broca or Wernicke area of the brain is damaged by a stroke, this disease occurs.
What is aphasia?
The heart is perfused by these tiny blood vessels that stem from the aorta and service the myocardium from the outside.
What are the coronary arteries?
These small grape-like sacs, are where oxygen and carbon dioxide are exchanged in the lungs.
What are the alveoli?
UV radiation is absorbed by this protein that is produced in the stratum basale.
What is melanin?
This type of tissue is used to protect and hold organs together.
What is dense connective tissue?
This part of the neuron is where the signal is received.
This chamber of the heart has the thickest myocardium.
What is the left ventricle?
This thin muscle is the divider between the thoracic and peritoneal cavities.
What is the diaphragm?
These muscles are remnants of our days as hair-covered mammals. They are noticeably active during the winter months.
What is the arrector pili?
This bone is formed by 5 fused bones that make up the back of the pelvis.
What is the sacrum?
These active transporters use ATP to repolarize the neuron in a 3 to 2 ratio.
What are sodium-potassium pumps?
Since fetal lungs aren't able to receive freshly oxygenated air, the heart of a fetus is diverted around the lungs. Sometimes the hole that provides this detour remains open in fully developed humans.
What is a Patent Foramen Ovale?
This flap of cartilage is located at the base of the tongue and...hopefully...prevents things from going down the "wrong pipe".
What is the epiglottis?