The adipose tissue functions
Does it store fat, protect, and insulate?
What is the outer layer of skin?
Frontal bone
What forms the anterior portion of the skull above the eyes?
Symbol to water
What is H2O?
The brain has multi-polar neurons
Is the brain is composed of about 100 billion multi-neurons?
The adipose tissue is located in the body
Is it beneath the skin, around kidneys, behind eyeballs, on surface of heart?
The dermis
What is the inner layer of skin?
Parietal bones
What is one parietal bone is located on each side of the skull, just behind the frontal bone?
Function of carbonate ions
What are the components of bone tissue?
The gyri are ridges
Are the gyri the surface of the cerebrum has many ridges?
The hyaline cartilage has a function
Does it support, protect, and provide framework?
The subcutaneous layer
What is beneath the dermis is loose connective tissue that binds the skin to the underlying organs?
Occipital bones
What joins the parietal bones along the lambdoid structure?
Symbol for sulfate ions
What is SO4^-2?
Sulcus is shallow
Are the sulcus shallow grooves?
The hyaline cartilage has a place in the body
Is it at the ends of bones, nose, rings in the walls of respiratory passages?
What process is for older cells hardening?
Temporal bones
What is on each side of the skull joins the parietal bone along a squamous suture?
Salt compound
What are oppositely charged ions such as sodium and chloride?
The fissure is deep
Is the fissure a deep groove?
The bone functions
Does the bone function as supporting, protecting, and providing framework?
The epidermis has important functions
Does the epidermis shield the moist underlying tissues against excess water loss, mechanical injury, and the effects of harmful chemicals?
Sphenoid bone
What is wedged between several other bones in the anterior portion of the cranium?
Sulfate ions
What helps maintain polarization of cell membranes?
The dominant area helps us understand
Does the dominant area help us understand and use language?