Deoxygenated blood comes from the
Right atrium to Right ventricle
There is only bad cholesterol
regular blood pressure number someone should have
contraction of smooth muscle in the wall of the blood vessel known as
Vascular spasm
What is EKG
We have blue and red veins in our body
Three way to lower cholesterol
Diet,physical activity, medication
The Dub sound made in our heart is made from
Aortic and pulmonary semilunar valves closing
Which type of blood cells go out of control in someone who has leukemia
White blood cells
What are the three crucial parts of EKG
SA node, AV node, His-Purkinje system
What is the major artery in our heart
How much percent of body weight is needed to be lost in order to lower cholesterol
5% to 10%
Prolonged high blood pressure can
damage arterial walls, mess with circulation an damage the body
percentage of the U.S population is RH- negative blood
flood of ions across the cell membrane and drives cells
Human heart beats
100,000 times per day
For a person with HDL cholesterol what is the Borderline cholesterol they should have?
Systolic Blood pressure
the peak pressure produced by contracting ventricles
Individuals with which type of blood are called universal donors
O blood
T wave means
repolarization and relaxation of the ventricles
Mitral valve known as
Bicuspid valve
Three things good cholesterol makes
Hormones, Vitamin D and bile
what is the number ratio in which blood pressure can be high
Flag on the cell that signals what type of blood cell it is
QT interval means
time for the ventricles to depolarize and repolarize, or contract and relax