forms the physical foundation of the body and is composed of 206 bones
what is the skeletal system
what are the three parts to the muscular system
origin, belly, insertion
scientific study of the structure, function, and pathology of the nervous system.
what is neurology
system that controls the steady circulation of the blood through the body by means of the heart and blood vessels
what is cardiovascular system
consists of the skin and its accessory organs sweat glands, hair, nail and sensory receptors
what is integumentary
connection between two or more bones of the skeletal
what are the joints
epicranius , occipitalis, frontalis, epicranial aponeurosis are part of what part of the body
what are muscles of the scalp
list three subdivisions of the nervous system
central system CNS, peripheral system PNS, autonomic system ANS
the body's pump
what is the heart
insulin, adrenaline, Estrogen
what are hormones
it is the largest and the strongest bone in the face that forms the lower jaw
what is Mandible
muscle of the eye that closes the eye
31 pairs of spinal nerves extend from this
spinal cord
tiny , thin-walled blood vessels that connect the smaller arteries to venules
what is capillaries
two main types of glands
Exocrine, Endocrine
the thorax, scapula, sternum, and clavicle are in this part of the body
what are bones of the chest and shoulder and back
what is the muscle that assists in breathing and raising the arm?
Serratus anterior
the sensations of touch, cold, heat, sight, touch, taste, smell, pain and pressure is
what is sensory nerves
8 to 10 pints of this is in the human body
fluctuating of female and male hormones can cause
acne, loss of scalp hair facial hair growth and darker skin pigmentation
there are 14 bones in this area
what are bones of the face
the muscle of the lowers and rotates the head
what is sternocleidomastoideus
the largest cranial nerve
Fifth cranial
these arteries supply blood to the arm and hands
Ulnar, radial
one-celled microorganism with both plant and animal characteristics
what is bacteria