the process of dissolving bone and return its minerals to the bloodstream is known as _____.
what is resorption.
which of the following is not a function of the skeleton?
what is storage of red blood cells or RBC
the four primary tissue types found in adult organs include all of the following except ____ tissue.
what is fibrous
which type of muscle tissue is found in walls of hollow organs?
what is smooth muscle
the center cavity of the diaphysis of a long bone is called the ____.
what is marrow cavity
the middle primary germ layer is called ____, which gives rise to a gelatinous material called ____, which then gives rise to different type of connective tissue such as bone, cartilage, and blood.
what is mesoderm and mesenchyme
Which of the following is not part of the skin?
What is hypodermis.
all of the following participate in DNA replication except ___.
what is ribosomes
the reddish color of the skin of the lips is primarily due to the presence of which pigment?
what is hemoglobin
excessive hairiness is called _____
what is hirsutism
cell division is stimulated by ___ and suppressed by ___
what is growth factors and contact inhibition
intramembranous ossification produces the ____.
what is flat bones of the skull
Glycosaminoglycans (GACs) help give the ground substance some of its qualities including _______.
What is holding water and maintaining electrolyte balance
what is all of the DNA in a set of 23 chromosomes referred to as?
what is the genome
mammary glands are modified ____ glands that develop within the female breasts.
what is apocrine
In appositional bone growth, new bone is deposited around a ______.
What is blood vessel.
which of the following cells is largely responsible for skin color?
what is melanocyte
a mutation is ____
what is a change in DNA structure that might be beneficial, harmful, or neutral.
the G1, S, and G2 phases of the cell cycle are collectively called ____.
what is interphase
______ epithelium is the most widespread in the body, whereas ____ epithelium is rare.
what is stratified squamous and stratified columnar