The most superficial layer of skin
Growth plates are found here
The ends and middles of long bones
Your sternocleoidmastoid is found here
Your neck
Substance that receives a neurotransmitter
The structure of the body
Cells that contribute to the color of your skin
The first cervical vertebrae
Actin and Myosin
Space/junction between two nuerons
Synaptic Cleft
The ventral body cavities
Thoracic, Abdominal, and Pelvic
Sebaceous glands secrete this
The three bones of the breastplate
Muscle that extends when you flex your bicep
All of the lobes of the brain
Temporal, Occipital, Frontal, Parietal
The part of your brain where the temperature is regulated
The Hypothalamus
The subcutaneous layer of skin is composed of this
Connective and adipose tissue
Structural and functional classification of the skull
Fibrous and Synarthrosis
The teres minor and teres major are examples of this type of pairing
Colorless fluid contained in cavities called ventricles in the central nervous system
Your cells are made up of macromolecules; name three
Proteins, lipids, carbs, nucleic acids
The main cell in loose connective tissue
A fibroblast
Main mineral and protein in bone
Calcium phosphate and collagen
This muscle is responsible for goosebumps
Erector Pili
Short branched extension from a nerve cell, can receive impulses from other cells synapses
A plane that cuts the body into inferior and superior sections
Transveral Plane