this structure sits on the anterior surface of the carotid sheath.
what is ansa cervicalis?
descend lateral to sternum; gives off anterior intercostal arteries to supply anterior chest wall
what is internal thoracic artery?
Blink corneal reflex what is the afferent and efferent limb
afferent: opthalmic v, efferent: facial n.
NFL mnemonic stands for what in anatomy
branches of the trigeminal n. from medial to lateral.
stab wound to posterolateral neck. patient cant elevate tip of shoulder. what n is damaged?
Accessory n
injury to what structure will lead to a monotone voice?
what is the external laryngeal n.?
Bonus: what does it innervate? is it motor or sensory?
exists in 30% people and supplies some back muscles (rhomboids and elevator scapulae)
whats is dorsal scapular artery?
explain direct vs consensual pupillary light reflex
shine light in eye, if same eye constricts that is direct
if contralateral eye constricts, that is consensual
afferenty optin n, efferent oculomotor
primary blood supply to the orbit is the ______ which is a branch of _______.
what is opthalmic a and ICA?
Bonus: what anastomotic blood does the orbit receive?
inferior sagittal sinus is found in the free edge of what structure.
what is falx cerebri?
this structure raps around the aortic arch.
what is the L recurrent laryngeal?
Bonus: what does the R wrap around?
lies directly on top of anterior scalene
phrenic n.
the optic n is unique among cranial nerves because it is an outgrowth of the ___________
what is diencephalon?
Bonus: what is the myelin sheath of optic n formed by?
what provides a path for venous blood from the danger triangle to drain into cavernous sinus?
what is valveless opthalmic v?
this structure lies bilaterally and is in the tracheoesophageal groove at level of thyroid gland
what is recurrent laryngeal n?
supplies some shoulder muscles (supra-, infraspinatus)
what is suprascapular artery?
name origin, innervations and actions of each extraocular muscle.
All rectus except lateral ADduct
All obliques + Lateral ABduct
Superior- Intorsion
Inferior- Extorsion
Origin: common annular tendon (annulus of zinn)
Origin of IO: maxilla, ant orbital floor
Origin of SO: sphenoid
parasympathetics of oculomotor nerve synapse in this ganglion
what is ciliary ganglion?
what is thromboemboli carryin infectious particles-->opthalmic v-->cavernous sinus?
cell bodies of the taste fibers from the anterior 2/3 of the tongue are located in what ganglion
what is geniculate ganglion?
This structure send lymph to thoracic or right lymphatic ducts at venous angles.
what is deep cervical lymph nodes?
stellate ganglion
inferior cervical ganglion and T1 ganglion fused together
injury leading to medial deviation
injury leading to superomedial deviation
injury leading to ptosis and 'down and out'
First nerve affected in cavernous sinus thrombosis.
what is CN VI?
you are testing the extra ocular muscles and their innervation in a patient who periodically experiences double vision. when you ask him to turn his right eye inward toward his nose and look downward, he is able to look inward but not down. what nerve is involved?
trochlear n