Hollow bones in birds that aid in respiration
What are pneumatic bones?
Two types of myofilaments
What are actin and myosin?
Four tissue types
What are epithelial, connective, muscle and nervous?
Types of pressure on the top and bottom of a blood pressure reading
What is systolic blood pressure(Top) and diastolic blood pressure(Bottom)?
The atomical terms of putting food in your mouth and chewing
What is prehension and mastication?
Bones that make up the pelvis
What are the is ischium, ilium and pubis?
Hamstring group
What are biceps femoris, semimembranosus and semitendonosus?
Three layers of the integumentary system
What is epidermis, dermis and hypodermis (SQ) layers?
The blood vessels that supply the heart with blood
Three parts of the small intestine.
What are the duodenum, jejunum and ileum?
Process where the ulna fits into the humerus
What is the anconeal process?
Muscle layers from inner to outer
What are epimysium, perimysium and endomysium?
Hair growth stages
What are anagen phase, telogen phase and catagen phase?
Pacemaker of the heart
Sinoatrial (SA) node
The large area of the monogastric stomach that has the ability to distend.
What is the fundus?
Several pieces of bones that help the animal swallow
What is the hyoid apparatus?
Atomical name for the equine stay apparatus
What is Serratus ventralis?
Pigeons mutate via subway sandwiches... scaryyy (functions of the skin)
What is protection, maintence of homeostasis, vit D production, storage, sensory perception and social recognition?
Main veins used in venipuncture
What are jugular, cephalic, medial saphenous and femoral?
The function of the cecum.
What is fermenting and breaking down carbohydrates, creating volatile fatty acids?
Purpose of osteoblast, osteoclasts and osteocytes
What is produce and repair bone, break down bone and mature bone cells that live in the lacunae?
The four quadricep muscles
What are rectus femoris, vastus lateralis, vastus medialis and vastus intermedius?
Layers of epidermis (Come, Lets Get SunBurnt)
Describe how to read an ECG
P wave = small wave at the beginning, depolarization of the atria
QRS complex= next three waves, depolarization of the ventricles
T wave= last wave, repolarization of the ventricles
Name the four compartments of the ruminant stomach
What is the reticulum, rumen, omasum and abomasum?