The Scientific study of the body.
what is Anatomy and Physiology?
charge of taking the food you eat and turning it into energy
What is the digestive system
filters the air a person breathes, then removing excess carbon dioxide in exchange for oxygen.
What are the lungs?
Pulls on bones to move the body
What do muscles do?
Where is the smallest bone found?
the Ear
What is your head bone?
The integumentary system
What is the skin?
Name the only part of the human body that cannot repair themselves.
the study of the structure and relationship between body parts
What is anatomy
Its job is to bring oxygen into the body and expel carbon dioxide.
what is the respiratory system
a group of tubes that help filter out waste, absorb water and digest food
What are the intestines?
What attaches muscles to the skeleton?
the point at two or more bones are joined together.
What is a joint?
What is the chest bone?
Where is your thinnest layer of skin?
How many chromosomes are in DNA?
the study of how the Body works
What is Physiology
transports oxygen, nutrients and hormones throughout the body within the blood,
What is the Cardiovascular system?
The body’s control center
What is the Brain?
The strongest muscle in the Body
What is the masseter (jaw muscle)?
Do babies have more bones or an adult?
A baby's body has about 300 bones at birth. These eventually fuse (grow together) to form the 206 bones that adults have.
Carpals, metacarpals & phlanges
What are the finger bones?
Where is your thickest layer of skin?
Which part of the digestive system is longer, the small intestine or the large intestine?
The length of the small intestine is roughly 9–16 feet (ft), while the large intestine is shorter, measuring around 5 ft long.
Separate body structures made up of tissues. They perform specific functions as part of a system
What are organs?
controls how we interact with and respond to our environment, by controlling the function of the organs
What is the Nervous system
Filters the blood
What is the liver?
muscle that never stops
the Cardiac muscle (heart)
Largest bone in the body
What is the femur?
What is your kneecap?
Epidermis, dermis, hypodermis
What are the 3 layers of the skin?
How fast can a sneeze travel?
Up to a 100 mph!