hindmost bone of the skull
occipital bone
Cheek- elevates cheeks and lips
ex: laughing
controls nervous system, command center, weighs 45-49 oz
How do lymph nodes indicate infection in the body?
they swell
The study of organs and systems of the body
Bones that form the sides and top of the cranium.
parietal bones
Oris (opening) - band around mouth; puckers lips
Long nerve fibers, holds 31 spinal nerves, originates at base of brain and extends to base of spine
Spinal cord
The fluid part of the blood is called:
4 building blocks of the human body
Cells, tissues, organs, body systems
smaller bone in the forearm on the same side as the thumb
Tip of the nose- draws nose down
Depressor Septi
Differ from other cells in appearance w axons and dendrites
Nerve cells
On the average, an adult has how much blood flowing through the circulatory system?
8 to 10 pints
cell absorbs food and divides, creating two new cells
Bone that joins all of the bones of the cranium together
sphenoid bone
Lower lip- draws corners to one side
Depressor Labii Inferioris
Network of nerve cells that carry messages to and from the CNS
Peripheral nervous system
Thick-walled vessels that carry pure blood from the heart through the body are:
breaking down molecules, causing a release of energy
Light spongy bone between the eye sockets; forms part of the nasal cavities.
ethmoid bone
Eye Lid- thin muscle, controls eyelid *easily damaged during makeup application
Levatore Palpebrae Superioris
bring information to the cell body
Which artery supplies blood to parts of the brain, eyes and forehead?
internal carotid artery
8 Organs of the body
Brain, Eyes, Heart, Lungs, Stomach & Intestines, Liver, Kidneys, Skin