3 types of planes of the body
What is Sagittal, Coronal, and Transverse
Translate Homeostasis
What is Homeo-same stasis-not moving or changing
Translation of Anatomy
What is Ana-apart tomy-to cut or what is to cut apart
Describe anatomical position
What is standing tall, feet slightly apart, head and toes facing forward, arms out at sides, palms facing forward
Name 2 main body cavities
What is the Dorsal cavity and Ventral cavity
2 feedbacks of homeostasis
What is Negative and positive feedback
Translation of Physiology
What is phys-nature/purpose ology-study of
or What is the study of nature/purpose
Describe right, left
What is when looking at the patient always describe their right and left not yours
2 cavities that the diaphragm divides
What is the Thoracic and Abdominal cavities
Define positive feedback
What is when homeostatic mechanisms encourage the response (departs from set point with no return)
2 of the major types of anatomy
What is Gross Anatomy and Microscopic Anatomy?
Parts of the body that proximal and distal can be used
What is the arms or legs
Describe the whereabouts of the Cephalic region
What is the face
Define Negative feedback
What is when homeostatic mechanisms reverse the response (returns to set point after departure)
This determines function
What is form
Lateral limb to the stomach
What is the arm
Plane that can cut both legs from the stomach
What is the transverse plane
Process of the body maintaining stable internal conditions
Kidney filtration, bone growth, and heart rhythm would all be studied under which field: anatomy or physiology? Explain.
Physiology because it is about how it works, or what it does. These are processes (functions)
Importance of Anatomical position
What is because it is a universal reference for all doctors and scientists