How big is the human heart?
Roughly the size of a fist.
What does Chart Speed do?
Controls how fast the machine prints.
What happens to limb lead placement for a stress test?
They get moved to the trunk of the body, arms- clavicular area, legs- lower abdomen
Which limb lead is the ground lead?
Right leg
What is one small block equal to in EKG graph paper and how many small blocks are in one large block going horizontally?
.04 seconds, 5
List the 4 chambers of the heart.
Rt Atrium, Lt Atrium, Rt Ventricle, Lt Ventricle
What does Amplitude (Gain) control?
Regulates the height of complexes.
What is the lead placement for telemetry? ( 3 leads/colors)
white- right shoulder, black- left shoulder, red- below left pectoral muscle/abdomen
Which leads are known as bipolar?
I, II and III
What is the definition of Depolarization?
cardiac cell positively charged, discharge of electricity
List the 4 valves of the heart.
Tricuspid, Pulmonic, Mitral, Aortic
What is the normal Gain setting?
What is lead placement for Holter? (5 leads/colors)
white- rt sternal border, black- lt anterior axillary line, green- rt lower thoracic area, red- lt lower thoracic area, brown- lt sternal border
What is another term for precordial(chest) leads?
List the three natural pacemakers of the heart and each of their rates?
SA: 60-100, AV: 40-60. Vent: 20-40
What are three layers of the heart and briefly describe each.
epi- outer, myo, middle/muscle, endo- inner
What is the normal Speed setting?
What is placement for leads V7, V8 and V9?
posterioraxillary line, midscapulary line, next to the spinal border
Where is the current read from for leads AVR, AVL and AVF?
right arm, left arm, left leg
List two considerations that would require a right sided EKG.
pt 8yr or under, MI, dextrocardia
What are the 9 steps of the conduction pathway in order? (Can write on the board if needed.)
SA Node, Interatrial Tracts, Atrium, Internodal Tracts, AV Node, Bundle of His, Bundle Branches, Purkinje Fibers
What is the normal Calibration setting
10mm high by 5mm wide.
List the placement for the 6 precordial leads.
V1- 4th ICS, right sternal border
V2- 4th ICS, left sternal border
V3- between V2 and V4
V4- 5th ICS, midclavicular line
V5- 5th ICS, anterioraxillary line
V6- 5th ICS, midaxillary line
Which leads are the augmented leads and what does augment mean?
AVR, AVL, AFL and to make larger
14 Steps for blood flow in order. ( Can write on the board if needed.)
IVC/SVC, Rt Atrium, Tricuspid Valve, Rt Ventricle, Pulmonic Valve, Pulmonary Arteries, Lungs, Pulmonary Veins, Lt Atrium, Mitral Valve, Lt Ventricle, Aortic Valve, Aorta, Body