The framework of the face that is composed of 14 bones
What is Facial Skeleton
Bones that form the bridge of the nose.
What is nasal bone
U-shaped bone at the base of the tongue that supports the tongue and its muscles
What is Hyoid Bone
Consists of the sternum, ribs, and thoracic vertebrae.
What is thorax
Uppermost and largest bone in the arm, extending from the elbow to the shoulder
What is humerus
Hindmost bone of the skull, below the parietal bones; forms the back of the skull above the nape.
What is occipital bone
Small, thin bones located at the front inner wall of the orbits (eye sockets).
What is lacrimal bones
seven bones of the top part of the vertebral column, located in the neck region
What is cervical vertabrae
Twelve pairs of bones forming the wall of the thorax
What is ribs
Smaller bone in the forearm (lower arm) on the same side as the thumb
What is radius
Bones that form the sides and top of the cranium.
What is pariental bone
Bones that form the prominence of the cheeks. T
Large, flat, triangular bone of the shoulder.
What is scapula
Also known as wrist. Flexible joint composed of a group of eight small, irregular bones (carpals) held together by ligaments.
What is carpus
Bone that forms the forehead
What is frontal bone
Bones of the upper jaw.
What is maxillae bones
Flat bone or breastbone that forms the ventral (front) support of the ribs.
What is sternum
also known as digits. Bones of the fingers or toes
Bones that form the sides of the head in the ear region.
What is temporal bone
Lower jawbone; largest and strongest bone of the face.
also known as collarbone. Bone that joins the sternum and scapula.
What is clavicle
Inner and larger bone in the forearm (lower arm), attached to the wrist and located on the side of the little finger.
What is ulna