Define Anatomy
The science of the structure and the relationships among structures of the body.
Explain the Chemical Level
Consists of Atoms and Molecules
Define atoms.
Define molecules.
(Chemical are letters in the building blocks.)
Under the control of what systems?
Nervous system: detects changes and sends impulses to organs to adjust for the change.
Endocrine: secretes hormones to restore homeostasis.
Nerve impulses bring rapid corrections; hormones more slowly.
-Toward the head or upper part of the structure.
-Away from the head or lower part of the structure.
List the Body Cavities:
-Cranial & Vertebral
-Thoracic (pleural, pericardial, mediastinum)
-Abdominopelvic (abdominal, pelvic)
Define Physiology
The science of body functions and how the body works. (Provide 1 example.)
Explain Cellular Levels.
Cells are an organized structure of molecules.
-Smallest living unit in the human body. *
-Basic structural and functional units of an organism.
Types: muscle, nerve, and blood cells.
List the components of feedback systems.
-Receptor: input to control center
-Control Center: evaluates input, sends output
-Effector: produces a response that changes the controlled condition.
-nearer to or at the back of the body.
-nearer to the midline or midsagittal plane.
-farther from the midline or midsagittal plane
List the four quadrants of the abdomin:
-Right Upper Quadrant (RUQ)
-Right Lower Quadrant (RLQ)
-Left Upper Quadrant (LUQ)
-Left Lower Quadrant (LLQ)
Define how body systems relate to one another.
Levels of Organization.
The structures of the human body are organized into several levels.
How many levels are there?
Explain Tissue Level.
Groups of cells and the materials surrounding them that work together to perform a particular function.
Four basic types: Epithelial, Connective, Muscular, and Nervous.
(the sentence in the building block)
Provide an example:
Negative Feedback Systems.
HPB is detected and then lowered to normal BP
-Nearer to the attachment of a limb to the trunk; near the beginning.
-Farther from the attachment of a limb to the trunk; near the end.
Name the 3 right abdominopelvic regions:
-Right Hypochondriac Region
-Right Lumbar Region
-Right Inguinal Region
Define Homeostasis
The cells of the human body need stable conditions to function effectively and contribute to the survival of the body as a whole.
Ensuring that the body's internal environment remains constant despite changes inside and outside the body.
Describe the Organ Level
Tissues join together to make organs, such as stomach, heart, liver, lungs, and brain.
(Paragraphs of the building blocks)
Layers of tissue that build the stomach:
Serous (Outer), Smooth (middle), Epithelial (inner)
What system strengthens a change in a controlled condition?
Provide an example:
Positive Feedback System
Childbirth- through contractions, stretching receptors, providing increased stretching.
-Toward the surface of the body
-Away from the surface of the body
Name the 3 left abdominopelvic regions:
-Left Hypochondriac Region
-Left Lumbar Region
-Left Inguinal Region
Define Anatomical Terms
The language of anatomy and physiology is very precise to prevent confusion, provide standardization, and relate body parts to one another.
Describe Systems and Organismal Levels
Systems: consists of related organs that have a common function. (chapters)
Organismal: All systems of the body combine to make up an organism (book)
List the four major planes:
-Sagittal: vertical (right and left)
-Frontal (coronal): anterior (front) and posterior (back)
-Transverse: superior (upper) and inferior (lower)
-Oblique: pass through body or organ at an angle.
List the 3 medial abdominopelvic regions:
-Epigastric Region
-Umbilical Region
-Hypogastric Region