3 types of planes of the body
What are the Sagittal, Frontal/Coronal, and Transverse planes?
This is the process of maintaining stable internal conditions within the body
What is homeostasis?
This term describes the study of human body structures.
What is anatomy?
This is the orientation of a human body when standing tall, with feet slightly apart, arms the at sides with thumbs facing laterally
What is anatomical position?
The lips are _________ to the nose
What is inferior?
These are the two main body cavities
What are the dorsal and ventral body cavities?
These are the two main types of feedback mechanisms that control body processes
What are negative and positive feedback?
This term describes the study of human body functions.
What is Physiology?
Describe right, left
What is when looking at the patient always describe their right and left not yours?
The thumb is ___________ to the shoulder
What is distal?
The diaphragm is a physical separation between these two ventral body cavities.
What are the thoracic and abdominopelvic cavities?
This is when homeostatic mechanisms work to counteract the initial stimulus from the set point in order to restore conditions to the initial set point.
What is negative feedback?
2 of the major types of anatomy
What is Gross Anatomy and Microscopic Anatomy?
Parts of the body that proximal and distal can be used
What are the arms or legs?
The heart is ____________ to the left lung.
What is medial?
This cavity makes up the superior portion of the dorsal body cavity
What is the Cranial Cavity?
This type of feedback is when homeostatic mechanisms increase the stimulus or the departure from the set point with no return
What is positive feedback?
This principle states that human body structures give rise to the functions that take place there.
What is the Principle of Complementarity?
Lateral limb to the stomach
What is the arm?
The stomach is ___________ to the vertebrae
What is ventral?
Plane that can separate the body into superior and inferior halves.
What is the transverse plane?
The release of oxytocin from the posterior pituitary gland during labor is classified as this type of regulation.
What is positive feedback?
This term describes the study of kidney filtration, bone growth, and heart rhythm.
What is Physiology?
Importance of Anatomical position
What is because it is a universal reference for all doctors and scientists?
The epigastric region is ________ to the umbilical region.
What is superior?