Dimpling/pitting of skin in this region (1) is the result of contraction/retraction of these structures (2)
(1) Mammory region/breast
(2) Suspensory ligament of Cooper
Injury to this nerve is caused by a surgical neck fracture or incorrect use of crutches
List the sections of the brachial plexus from proximal to distal (1), and the rami of the spinal nerves (2)
(1) Roots, Trunks, Divisions, Cords, Branches
(2) C5, C6, C7, C8, T1
Caused by excessive pressure due to bleeding from a fracture or swelling after a crush injury (1) and the procedure to resolve it (2)
(1) Compartment syndrome
(2) Fasciotomy
When the fetus urinates, this occurs
The fetus swallows their urine and it is transported from fetal blood to maternal blood to be secreted
Ape thumb and the hand of benediction deformity are caused by injury to this nerve
Median nerve
This nerve/area is NOT numb after a brachial plexus block
Intercostobrachial nerve (T2)
Deformity resulting from the distal interphalangeal joint suddenly being forced into extreme flexion
Mallet/Baseball finger
The name for the fine, soft, downy hair that covers a developing fetus in the womb
This group of lymph nodes receives lymph from most of the upper extremity
Humeral (lateral) group
Damage to this nerve causes weakened flexion of the elbow and supination of the forearm, and loss of sensation over the lateral aspect of the forearm
Musculocutaneous nerve
This causes the inferior trunk of the brachial plexus to be compressed by the 1st rib
Nursemaid's/pulled elbow
This is the function of the allantois
It is responsible for waste product removal from the fetus
A loose connective tissue plane between the breast and pectoral fascia
Retromammary space/bursa
This reflex checks the radial nerve and its reflex center at C5-C6
Brachioradialis reflex
Erb-Duchenne palsy is caused by an injury to this part of the brachial plexus (1) and results in this sign (2)
(1) Superior part -> C5, C6
(2) Policeman's/Waiter's Tip hand
This bone (1) is often fractured while using a racket, baseball bat, or golf club; it can cause injury to this nerve (2)
(1) Hamate
(2) Ulnar nerve
These substances CAN cross the placenta
Gases (oxygen, CO2, CO)
Nutrients & electrolytes
Maternal antibodies
Lateral mammary branches receive blood supply from this (1), which is a branch of the (2)
(1) Lateral thoracic artery
(2) Axillary artery
This nerve leaves the cubital fossa by passing between the 2 heads of the FCU (1)
*BONUS* This artery follows deep to the 2 heads of the FCU
(1) Median nerve
(2) Ulnar artery
The name of the injury to the inferior part (C8, T1) of the brachial plexus
The Popeye sign is a clue that this tendon has ruptured
Tendon of the long head of biceps brachii
This occurs when the blastocyst implants close to/overlying internal os (isthmus) of the uterus and often results in late pregnancy bleeding
Placenta previa