The adult remnant of the obliterated fetal umbilical artery
Medial umbilical ligament/fold
The term for the place where the esophagus transitions from stratefied squamous epithelium to glandular columnar epithelium.
Bonus: This area is prone to developing what?
"z-line" or cardiac orifice
The esophagus pierces the diaphragm at which vertebral level
During developement, the rotation of the stomach to the right brings this structure, which was previously on the left-hand side of the body, anterior.
L vagus nerve
If you wanted to stab someone in the spleen, which ribs would you need to go between?
L 9th and 10th
This embryonic structure becomes the uncinate process of the pancreas and will eventually house the main pancreatic duct
Ventral pancreatic bud
The disorder that happens when the vitelline duct remains fully open post-partum and creates an channel between the outside and the small intestine
Vitelline Fistula
A 2-month old newborn presents with intolerance to feeding and bilious vomitting. An abdominal x-ray is taken and shows two areas of gaseous distention. What is the most likely cause of these symptoms.
Bonus: What is the embryological cause of this disorder.
Annular pancreas
A bi-lobed Ventral pancreatic bud
This hormone stimulates bile expulsion from the gallbladder
Cholecystokinin (CCK)
Failure of the esophagus to re-canalize, resulting in a solid tube, causes a condition called:
The only papilla on the tongue without taste buds
The common bile duct and main pancreatic duct empty into the duodenum through this opening
Major duodenal papilla
The inferior anterior and posterior pancreaticoduodenal arteries arise from which main blood supply?
Superior mesenteric artery
This embryonic outgrowth eventually becomes the perineal body
Urorectal septum
The pre-synaptic neurons of the greater splanchnic nerves synapse with post-synaptic neurons at this location
Celiac ganglion
Gallbladder inflammation can cause R posterior shoulder pain. This region is associated with what dermatomes?
When taking an x-ray, the patient must be in this position in order to see the air fluid line of the stomach
Standing/ erect
The Adrenal zona reticularis mainly secretes
In the case of portal hypertension, increased pressure in the paraumbical veins (within the round ligament) could cause blood to flow into which Caval system veins?
Epigastric veins
The cell type that secretes Calcitonin
Para-follicular cells (or Thyroid C-cells)
These cells secrete gastric acid
parietal cells
Rathke's pouch, on the roof of the oral cavity
The two secretory cells of the parathyroid gland
Chief cells, oxyphil cells
The three main branches of the celiac artery (must get all 3 for points)
Left gastric, common hepatic, splenic
Bonus: where within the islet are each type of cells located
Alpha- glucagon, beta- insulin
Alpha cells are around the periphery