this gland produces milk
mammary glands
what is produced by melanoctyes at the hair papila and is determined by genes
hair color
covers most of body and has four layers of keratinocytes
thin skin
produced by the divison of the straum basale, eight to ten layers of kerantinocytes bound to desmosomes and helps witht he ammune sysytem
stratum spinosum
this protetcs the fingers and toes and is made of dead cells packed with keratin
produces earwax and protects the eardrum
ceruminous glands
located deep in the deep dermis and produces nonliving hair
the hair follicle
covers the palms and hands and soles of feet and has five layers of keratinocytes
thick skin
this layer stops dividing and starts producing keratin and keratohyalin
stratum granulosum
reduced blood supply, reductions of elastic fibers, decreased hormone levels, and slow repair rate
effects of aging
this type of gland is found in the armpits,around nipples and groin
apocrine sweat glands
this is the lower part of the hair and attached to the integument
and this is the upper part of the hair and not attached to the integument
hair root
hair shaft
this is influenced by two pigments carotene and melanin
daily double
skin color
exposed surface of skin, 15 to 30 layers of keratinzed cells, and water resistant
stratum coreum
orange and yellow pigment and found in orang vegtables
daily double
this gland is widely distributed on body surface especially on the palms and soles
merocrine (eccrine) glands
begins at the base of the hair follice deep in the dermis
hair production
found in only thick skins and covers stratum granulosum
stratum lucidum
growing hair and club hair,
hair growth cycle
This controls the seebaceous and apocrine sweat glands and works simutaneouly over entire body
autonomic nervous system
what happens when hair is produced
it is keratinized
protection of underlying of tissues and organs and production of keratin and melanin and extraction of salts, water and organic waste
production of skin
attached to the basement membrane by rivits, forms epidermal ridges, and forms a strong bond between epidermis and dermis
stratum basale
internal root sheath: inner layer and connects the cuticle in the lower hair root
external root sheath: extends from skin surface to hair matrix
glassy membrane: a dense connective tissue sheath
layers in the follicle