60% of the brain is this component
Collections of neuron cell bodies
Gray matter
this large brain structure has two giant halves that do high level processing
Area that interprets basic visual information
visual cortex
number of neurons in the brain
85 billion (some 100 billion)
Crossing over of neurons from right to left
The diencephalon includes
thalamus and hypothalamus
initiates muscle movements for speech production
When does the brain stop developing
Age 25
Where two brain hemispheres connect to each other
Just above the pituitary gland this structure is directly connected and is called the...
deals with comprehension of speech
Speed of information processing in the brain in mph
Allows automatic appropriate pre programmed responses
reflex arc
Lowest portion of the brainstem
Medulla Oblongota
Interprets sensory information and puts it into context with your past experiences
somatic sensory association area
The brain can perform how many operations per second on what energy
1 exaflop (1 billion billion) on 20 watts
Valleys of the brain
Main connection between two hemispheres
corpus callous
Site of motivation and foresight; regulates mood and emotion, inhibits impulsive behavior
prefrontal area (discuss Lewy body dementia)