The ball and socket configuration allows lots of what?
Which skeleton includes the skull, vertebral column, chest and rib cage
Axial Skeleton
An example of a hinge joint would be...?
Which bone of the lower leg does NOT carry any weight but aids in the stabilizing of the ankle joint?
Best example of a 1st class lever is...
Seesaw or scissors
Ability to raise your head from your chest
Twitch, Motor Unit, Summation, Myoneural Junction
List IN ORDER the sections of the vertebral column.
Cervical, Thoracic, Lumbar, Sacral and Coccyx
Which configuration allows for "supination and pronation"?
Hinge, Gliding, Pivot, Condylar, Saddle or Ball & Socket
List the SIX functions of the skeletal system.
Support, Protection, Movement, Storage, Blood Cell Formation and Hormone Production
Which bone in the forearm is closer to the thumb?
The quadriceps are the prime movers in extension and are antagonized by the...
Adductors, Hamstring, Calf Muscles, Tibialis Anterior
Which girdle provides the more sturdiness/stability?
Pelvic Girdle
What does the saddle configuration do for the thumb?
Makes it opposable
Stress and Force stimulates signals to osteocytes which stimulate bone remodeling and lack of stress/force makes bones weak.
Best example of a 2nd class lever is...
A wheelbarrow
Ability to stand on your toes
The endomysium is the connective tissue that surrounds each...
Fascicle, Muscle Fiber, Myofibril, Myofilament
Muscle Fiber
What classification of bone has approximately the same width, length and height?
(Long Bone, Short Bone, Flat Bone or Irregular Bone)
Short Bone
What connects muscles to bones?
What key words can help you remember the order of bone remodeling?
Release, Return, Promote and Build
What muscle stretches over your spine?
Erector Spinae
The Prime Mover in Inspiration is the...
What classification of bone are most of the limbs classified as?
(Long Bone, Short Bone, Flat Bone or Irregular Bone)
Long Bone
The wrist is an example of what type of configuration?
Functional: Synarthroses equals Structural: ____________?
Best example of a 3rd class lever is...
Tweezer or bicep curl