Os coxae (hip bone) Formed by the fusion of what parts
Illium Ischium Pubis
Name all muscles that stabilize the shoulder joint?
Supraspinatus, Infraspinatus, Subscapularis, Coracobrachalis
What the 5 parts of the vertebral column?
1 Cervical (Neck)
2/ Thoracic (Back)
3/ Lumbar (Loin)
4/ Sacral (Croup)
5/ Caudal/ Coccygeal (Tail)
List conventional joints
Fibrous joint, Cartilaginous joint, Synovial joint
Major flexors of the hip
Iliopsoas (Agonist)
b) Tensor fasciae lata
c) Sartorius
What site is for bone marrow biopsy (larger breeds)
Iliac Crest
What are the 2 clin sigs for the Infraspinatus?
Infraspinous bursitis
The belly is suitable for I/M injection
What is the vertebral column formula for a dog?
C7 T13 L7 S3 Cd 20-23
List all fibrous joints?
Gomphosis, Syndesmoses, Suture (skull)
Medial muscles of the thigh
Gracilis, pectineus, adductor, external obturator, satorius
What are the functions of the skeleton?
Support ( Posture/gait)
2. Locomotion (Lever)
3. Protection
4. Mineral homeostasis (ca++,phosphorus)
5. Heamopoiesis
What are the 3 major flexors of the shoulde?
Deltoideus, Teres Major, Teres Minor
What is the 1st cervical vertebra called?
The joint capsule contains?
1. Articular cartilage 2. Synovial membrane 3. Fibrous capsule 4. Ligaments (fibrous)
Which muscles make up the common calcaneal tendon
2. Semitendinosus 3. Gastrocnemius 4. Gracilis
5. SDF
where the median nerve & brachial artery pass through
Supracondylar foramen
Where should arthrocentesis be performed at the shoulder joint?
between Acromion & humeral Greater tubercle through the deltoideus muscle
What is another name for the Fovea of two adjacent vertebrae that articulate with rib head
List the joints of the thoracic limb
Synsarcosis, Shoulder, elbow, carpal
4 muscles that make up the quadriceps femoris
Rectus femoris
2. Vastus lateralis
3. Vastus Intermedius
4. Vastus Medialis
What bones make up the crus ?
Tibula & Fibula
If the triceps brachiinis the agonis, what are the synergist?
Tensor fascia antebrachii & anconeus
What are the main 2 types of joints in the vertebral column?
Cartilaginous & Synovial
List the pelvic limb joints
Sacroilliac, hip, stifle, tarsal, phalangal
Where is arthrocentesis performed on the stifle?
Done on both sides of the patellar ligament