3 bones names
ilium, ischium, pubic
what spinal segment makes up the iliohypogastric
what does the superior gluteal artery supply?
explain the popliteus unlocking the knee in close chain movements
ER the femur on tibia
3 functions of the menisci
improve knee stability, absorb shock, distribute weight bearing
2 ligaments that make up the anterior portion of the sacroiliac joint
sacroiliac, iliolumbar
what muscles are innervated by the femoral nerve (L2-L4)
rectus femoris, vastus lat, vastus med, vastus intermed
what does the perforating supply?
central hamstring and VL
what way does the patella glide during knee flexion
the oblique popliteal ligament is a continuation of what muscle?
3 ligaments that make up the capsule and what motions they check
iliofemoral: ext, abd, IR
pubofemoral: abd
ischialfemoral: extension
what innervates the pectineus?
ant. branch obturator, femoral (L2-L3)
what supplies the neck of the femur?
lateral and medial femoral circumflex
anterior: quad tendon, patella, patella lig
posterior: popliteal tendon
what are the borders of the femoral triangle and what runs through it?
sartorius, adductor longus, inguinal lig
femoral artery, nerve, vein
4 ligaments that make up the posterior portion of the sacroiliac joint
sacroiliac, iliolumbar, sacrotuberus, sacrospinus
what 3 muscles are dual innervated & name their innervations and spinal segments
adductor mag: tibial (L4), post brach obturator (L2-L4)
Pectinous: ant. branch obturator, femoral (L2-L4)
biceps short: comm fib long head: tibial (L5-S2)
what does inf gluteal artery artery suppy?
what motions do the LCL and MCL check?
LCL: hyperextension, varus, ER
MCL: hyperextention, valgus, IR
what are the borders of the adductor canal and what runs through it?
VMO, sartorius, adductor longus
fem artery, vein, nerve to VMO, saphenous n.
name the origin, insertion, innervation, and action of the glut med
O: ilium
I: greater troch
Inn: superior glut (L4-S1)
A: abd, ant part:flex/IR, post part: ext/ER
name all 10 terminal branches of the sacral plexus
superior gluteal, inferior gluteal, nerve to piriformis, perforating cuteaneous, sciatic, posterior femoral cutaneous, nerve to obturator internis, nerve to quadratus femoris, pudendal, coccygeal plexus
label entire circulation picture
on board
name the 8 bursae of the knee
suprapatellar, anserine, subcutaneous prepatellar, subcutaneous infrapatellar, deep infrapatellar, popliteus, semimembranosus, gastrocnemius
borders of popliteal fossa and contents
biceps fem, semimem, gastroc
pop artery/vein, common fib & tib n., post. cutaneous n. popliteal lymph nodes & lymph vessels, small saphenous vein, medial and lat sural cut n.