Scapulohumeral Rhythm
What is the 2:1 ratio? For every two degrees of humeral movement, there is 1 degree of scapular movement.
The brachial plexus emerges between these two structures.
What are the anterior and middle scalenes?
This structure runs through the cubital tunnel.
There are how many carpal bones in the wrist.
What is 8 (So Long To Pinky Here Comes The Thumb)?
Lumbrical Grasp
What is MP joint flexion and PIP/DIP joint extension? What is an occupation in which you use lumbrical grasp?
Rotator Cuff Muscles
What are the SITS muscles? What actions do they perform?
Sensory distribution of the hand
What is:
Palmar side: Digits 1-3 and radial half of 4 = Median
Palmar side: Ulnar half of 4 and digit 5 = Ulnar
Dorsal side: Radial
During feeding when your patient brings their hand to their mouth, they experience what arthrokinematic movements between the ulna and humerus?
What is concave on convex (same direction); ulna rolls and slides in an anterior direction?
This artery is used to take a pulse at the wrist.
What is Radial artery?
Arches of the hand.
What are: Longitudinal arch, Distal carpal arch, and proximal carpal arch?
Your patient has difficulty with tucking their shirt in behind their back. You perform MMT and find they cannot perform full internal rotation against gravity AND they cannot perform full internal rotation in a gravity eliminated position.
What is a grade 2-/5 MMT? What muscle is involved? Nerve?
This nerve is responsible for innervation of the PRIMARY muscle used to turn your palm up to wash your face.
What is the musculocutaneous nerve for biceps brachii?
This ligament allows for the radius to stay in place while spinning on the capitulum during pronation/supination.
What is the annular ligament?
de Quervain's
What is inflammation/overuse of dorsal wrist compartment #1?
Swan Neck Deformity
GHJ Arthrokinematics
What is Convex on Concave (roll and glide in opposite directions; i.e. shoulder flexion the humerus rolls anteriorly and glides posteriorly)?
Disruption to this nerve of the brachial plexus presents as "scapular winging".
What is long thoracic nerve?
When activated, this muscle will flex the PIP joints of the fingers.
What is the Flexor Digitorum Superficialis? What nerve innervates this muscle? What is special about this tendon at the proximal phalanx? What flexes the DIP joints?
_______ creates the "floor" of the carpal tunnel while the ______ creates the "roof" of the carpal tunnel.
What is Carpal bones and Transverse Carpal Ligament?
What runs through the carpal tunnel? (10 structures)
Your patient has difficulty with spreading their fingers apart for typing, what muscles are likely affected?
What are the dorsal interossei? What nerve are they innervated by?
Your patient has difficulty with reaching into the cabinet to grab a cup, what muscle is likely involved?
What is anterior deltoid (shoulder flexion)? What nerve might be involved?
This nerve wraps around the humerus and can cause weakness of wrist extensors if disrupted with a fracture or trauma.
What is the radial nerve?
Lateral Epicondylitis (tennis elbow)
What is inflammation/overuse of ECRB and ECRL muscles? Where are they palpated?
This type of fracture involves the distal radius with a dorsal (posterior) displacement of the bone.
What is a Colle's fracture?
These structures prevent bowstringing of the long flexor tendons but can cause "triggering" of a finger with tendon inflammation.
What are the annular ligaments (pulleys)? How many are there? Where are they?