What is the purpose of the menisci in the knee joint?
They deepen the socket for femur to fit on the tibia
What two muscles make up the illopsoas?
- iliacus
- psoas major
What nerve is located on the anterior division of the lumbar plexus?
Obturator nerve
Obturator nerve function
hip adduction
What muscle of the calf does not cross the knee joint?
what is the ligament in the hip that comes out of the head of the femur?
ligamentum teres
What muscle is found in the lateral compartment od the upper leg?
Tensor fasciae latae
Nerve located on the posterior division of lumbar plus
femoral nerve
tibial nerve function
hip extension/knee flexion/plantarflex ankle/flex toes
What lower leg muscle are some people missing?
What ligament prevents the knee from hyperflexsion?
The 5 deep gluteal rotators
piriformis, superior gemellus, obturator internus, inferior gemellus, quadratus femoris
Nerve located on the anterior division of sacral plexus
Femoral nerve function
hip flexsion/knee extension
What function do than anterior muscles of the lower leg have?
Dorsiflexion of the foot/extension of the toes
Real name for the knee joint.
Tibiofemoral joint
What are the three muscles of the anterior compartment?
illipsoas, rectus femoris, sartorius
Nerve located on the posterior division of sacral plexus
common fibular nerve
What four muscles are found i the posterior compartment of the lower leg?
Flexor digitorum longus, flexor hallicus longus, tibial posterior, popliteus
What is clinical knee dislocation classified by?
Tear of 3 of 4 of the knee ligaments
What movement does the obturator externes help with?
external rotation
common fibular nerve function
dorsiflexion of ankle/extend toes
What is the most superficial calf muscle?