attaches to the temporal bone to form the TMJ
what is the condylar process?
innervate the diaphragm
what is C3, C4, C5?
three sections of pharynx
what is nasopharynx, oropharynx, and laryngopharynx?
superior surface of tongue
what is the dorsum?
primary controller of pitch
what is the cricothyroid?
suture between the frontal and parietal bones
what is the coronal suture?
three types of tonsils
what is palatine, pharyngeal, and lingual?
innervate taste and touch of posterior 1/3 of tongue
what is CN IX?
midline of the mandible
what is the mental symphysis?
muscles for smiling :)
what is the risorius and zygomatic major?
number of salivary gland sets
what is 3?
three parts of nasal septum
what are the vomer, septal cartilage, and perpendicular plate of ethmoid bone?
separate the oral cavity from the oropharynx
what are the faucial pillars?
mandible is relatively advanced compared to maxillae
what is class III malocclusion?
innervate touch of anterior 2/3 of tongue
what is CN V?