What vertebral level does the adult spinal cord terminate?
What vertebral level is safe for lumbar puncture?
L4 and below
Name the fossae of the skull and what CN can be found within.
anterior - CN I
middle - CN II - CN VI
posterior - CN VII - XII
What is the most commonly fractured carpal bone?
Which carpal bone has a hook that is also commonly fractured? What nerve does this most likely affect?
Which nerve provides sensation to the medial forearm?
medial cutaneous nerve of the forearm (from medial cord of BP)
Branching of what artery determines heart dominance?
posterior interventricular
What are the levels and structures that pass through the diaphragm?
T8 vena cava
T10 esophagus
T12 aorta
Describe the drawer tests. What are they testing and how?
testing ACL and PCL by seeing if those ligaments are in tact (still able to prevent the movements they are supposed to)
Name the common break sites of the humeral shaft and what structures are most commonly damaged at each.
surgical neck - Axillary n and posterior circumflex humeral a.
1/3 to midshaft - Radial n and deep artery of the arm (deep brachial a.)
supracondylar - Median n
Which nerve provides sensation to the bottom of the foot?
Name the 5 developmental/embryological regions of the heart:
Bulbus cordis
Primitive ventricle
Primitive atrium
Sinus vensosus
What are the nerve root contributions for the femoral and obturator nerves?
In what compartments can we find the long (longus) muscles that flex i) the thumb and ii) the big toe?
thumb - deep anterior forearm (flexor pollicis longus)
big toe - posterior leg (flexor hallucis longus)
What ligament always tears first with an ankle sprain?
anterior talofibular ligament
Which nerve carries sensations from the digital pad of the thumb?
Median n
Parasympathetics of the heart are provided by what nerve?
CN X - Vagus
What levels are the unpaired arteries of the abdominal aorta located?
T12 celiac trunk
Describe the pathway and branching pattern of CN VII.
pons to IAM through the facial canal
within the canal it gives off the greater petrosal and chorda tympani
exits the stylomastoid foramen
gives off branches TZBMC to mm. of facial expression
Fracture of the pelvic brim is most likely to affect which nerve, and therefore which actions?
Obturator - medial compartment muscles of adduction of the thigh
Which nerve provides sensation to the web space between the big toe and second digit?
Deep peroneal (fibular) nerve
What valvular disease is most common secondary to MI?
What valvular disease is most common secondary to rheumatic fever?
Mitral regurgitation
Mitral stenosis
What levels does CSF circulate in the subarachnoid space?
around the brain, alllll the way to S2 surrounding the spinal cord and cauda equina
Name the muscles of the rotator cuff and their primary actions. Which is most commonly injured?
Supraspinatus - abduction of GH joint 0-15
Infraspinatus - lateral (external) rotation of GH joint
teres minor - lateral (external) rotation of GH joint
Subscapularis - medial (internal) rotation of GH joint
Fracture of the orbital floor affects which bone? Lateral border? Roof?
Which nerve provides sensation to the face? Describe this innervation.
CN V -
V1 - forehead, upper eyelid, tip of nose
V2 - lateral nose, upper lip, lower eyelids, cheeks
V3 - lower lip, chin, jaw, anterior ear temple
What fetal shunts are available for alternate blood flow in a fetus?
ductus venosus - connects umbilical cord to IVC, blood bypasses the liver
ductus arteriosus - connects pulmonary trunk to aorta, bypassing the lungs
foramen ovale - connects R and L atria, bypassing the lungs