What is the vagus nerve?
Which division of the trigeminal nerve innervates the lower eyelid?
What is V2?
Which wall of the eye orbit is the strongest?
What is the lateral wall?
In what layer of fascia is the parotid gland?
What is investing fascia?
Where is the primary motor area?
What is the precentral gyrus?
Which 4 sinuses are held in the tentorium cerebelli?
Which nerve innervates the carotid sinus?
What is the glossopharyngeal?
Where do sound waves go after passing through the tympanic membrane?
What is the malleus?
What is the level of the retrolaryngeal space?
What is C3-5
Where is the premotor area located?
What is the middle frontal gyrus?
The pterion in the skull is where these four bones meet.
What are the frontal, parietal, temporal, and sphenoid bones.
Which cranial nerve is the otic ganglion related to?
What is the glossopharyngeal nerve?
Which nerve crosses the tympanic membrane?
What is the chorda tympani?
Which layer of fascia envelopes the scalenes?
What is the prevertebral fascia?
Where is the primary auditory area in the brain?
Superior temporal gyrus?
Which vein joins the inferior sagittal sinus to form the straight sinus?
What is the great cerebral vein?
Which cranial nerves originate in the junction of the pons and medulla?
What are cranial nerves 6, 7, 8?
Which cranial nerve provides sensation to the external ear?
What is the facial nerve?
If a patient has lost sensation over the angle of the mandible, which nerve has been damaged?
What is the great auricular n?
Where is the frontal eye field located?
What nerves innervate the anterior fossa of the skull?
What is CN V1,2,3?
The trigeminal nerve provides motor innervation to the muscles of mastication and these 4 muscles?
What are the anterior belly of digastric, tensor veli palatini, and tensor tympani, and mylohyoid?
Which 3 nerves innervate taste on the tongue?
What are facial, glossopharyngeal, and vagus nerves?
Which of these muscle of the larynx abducts the vocal chords - transverse arytenoid, vocalis, posterior cricoarytenoid, or thyroarytenoid?
What is the posterior cricoarytenoid?
What sulcus is the primary vision area in the brain located around?