How many glute muscles are there?
In standing forward fold the pelvis is in this type of tilt.
This is also referred to as the floor of the core.
Pelvic floor
An example of this movement is when the arm moves away from the midline.
Tissue that connects, supports, binds, or separates other tissues or organs is known as this.
Connective tissues!
Where are the quads and how many are there?
Front of the legs + four!
Tightness in the hip flexors and quads will limit range of motion in poses in this category.
This is also referred to the support beam or the core of the core.
The psoas!
An example of this movement is when the inner thighs are squeezing a block.
The brain and spinal cord make up this part of the nervous system.
Where are the hamstrings and how many are there?
Back of the legs + three!
This is the widest muscle on the body. If it is tight, then it will limit someones ability to get their arms overhead.
Lattisimus dorsi aka lats!
This is also referred to the ceiling of the core.
The diaphragm
An example of this movement is when we have "gymnast arms" up overhead.
Internal rotation
This type of connective tissue acts as a web to support, position, and shape the body. It is like saran wrap that holds everything together.
Where are the adductors and how many are there?
Inner thighs (panini press) + 5!
The hamstrings are responsible for flexion of the knee and extension of the hip. Name a posture in which both are happening.
Bow pose, bridge pose, king dancer, upward facing bow/wheel, etc
This is the acronym for the four muscles that make up the walls of the core. Imaginary bonus points if you can name all four!
Transverse, internal obliques, external obliques, rectus abdominis (TIER)
This when the thighs rotate away from one another.
External rotation
This connects bone to bone and this attaches muscles to bone, respectively.
Ligaments and tendons!
The rotator cuff muscles are responsible for stabilizing the most mobile joint in the body. Where are the rotator cuff muscles and how many are there?
Shoulders and four.
This is the direction the shoulder blades move when the arms are up overhead.
Up and apart!
These are the seven movements of the spine.
Flexion, extension, rotation (two ways), lateral flexion (two ways), and axial extension.
When the arms are up overhead the shoulder joint is in this.
Cardiac, smooth, and skeletal are all types of muscles. This is the type we have voluntary control over.