The only bone in the human body not connected to another
What is hyoid
The portion of the muscle joined to movable attachments
What is insertion
Also known as blood platelets, these begin the process of coagulation or clotting when exposed to air or trauma in the skin tissue, such as bruising
What are thrombocytes
The threadlike fibers extending from the nerve cell
What are axons or processes
The intake of oxygen to be absorbed into the blood
What is inhalation
The five long, thin bones that form the palm of the hand
What are metacarpals
Muscle that extends along the side of the neck from the ear to the collarbone and moves the head from side to side and up and down
What is sternocleido mastoideus
The tough outer membrane that encases the heart
What is pericardium
The fifth cranial nerve and chief sensory nerve of the face, which controls the motion of the face, scalp, neck, ear, and sections of the palate and tongue
What is the trigeminal or trifacial nerve
Hormone that can either cause acneic breakouts or clear up acne-prone skin
What is androgen
Located behind the eyes and nose, connecting all of the bones of the cranium
What is the sphenoid
Muscles located in the palm of the hand and cause the thumb to move toward the fingers, allowing the hand to grasp or make a fist
What is opponens
A liquid that nourishes the parts of the body not reached by blood, such as the far extremities
What is lymph
Layer of the skin where nerve cells called receptors are located
What is the papillary layer
The carefully balance mechanism that directly affects hair growth
What is the Endocrine System
The bone located on the little finger side of the lower arm
What is the ulna
Located below the lower lip, this muscle pulls the lip down or to the side, as in expressing sarcasm
What is the quadratus labii inferioris
The artery which supplies blood to the scalp above and behind the ears
What is posterior auricular
The name of the nerve extending to the skin of the upper side of the nose and eyes
What is supratochlear nerve
Located in the kidney, these filter out waste products and water, allowing usable nutrients to be reabsorbed into the blood
What are nephrons
Uppermost part of the hip bone
What is the ilium
The muscle primarily involved in running, jumping and other “fast” movements of the leg, which is also prone to spasms that are painful, involuntary contractions of the muscle that may last several minutes
What is the gastrocnemius
The valve through which blood is pumped through into the right ventricle
What is tricuspid
The ninth cranial nerve that controls sense of taste
What is glossopharyngeal
Glands which are referred to as duct glands because both release their contents into canal-like structures, or ducts, that open onto the surface of the skin
What are sebaceous and sudoriferous glands